Make your own Automatic Rain Water Drinking Center ---Tons of Photos!

Got the same kind of set up, I used a 260 gallon industrial tote as my tank, gutter on the barn roof. It supplies water to horse trough and chickens. I can also fill the tank via my home water system if it doesn't rain enough.
If everything's frozen probably not, but other times of the year and during meltdown it'll save at least a little on water bills.
Yup... it freezes here in NC.
I plan to pick up some black foam pipe insulation tubes to wrap the pvc pipes inside.
that should keep the pipes from freezing in the winter and keep the water cooler in the summer.
Great idea ---- where do you find a Big HONKIN pickle barrel? I dont think I have seen any.
Finding a Big HONKIN pickle barrel CHEAP is the real trick...
We happen have a little old guy living nearby who sells them off of his front yard... $15 each!

You can also find them at farmer supply and tractor supply places
but they will NAIL you for $75 each...

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