Make your own Automatic Rain Water Drinking Center ---Tons of Photos!

I have heard of some cities doing that but I would have assumed that kind of big brother behavior would be in Illinois and not in Colorado. At least they have not made rain illegal.
It is only illegal to capture rain water in Colorado if you have municipal water available. The law changed in 2009 and most rural landowners with wells are now allowed to capture rain water.
Looks like an awesome set-up!
Do you have photos or can you explain how you hooked the plumbing parts in to the lower portion of the round barrel without them leaking? I've thought of doing something similar, but when I looked in the plumbing dept and saw the jam nuts, even with a good sized washer, I didn't believe that I could tighten everything down enough on the curved sides of the barrel to prevent leakage.

Hi all. I just moved from Colorado to Tennessee, and it is now LEGAL to collect your own rain water. You just cannot collect it and sell it to others. They don't want a big commercial system. It was true, up until last year- you could not collect it. It is so highly regulated, and litigated, it's appalling ! But, I digress.... Please check the state regs, as they have changed-finally!
Yes, I know they have laxed some of the laws...but I live on 35+ acres and I have municipal water...which rules me out of collecting rain water...for now!

And I have not gotten my pics up yet due to some personal medical issues....I will get on track again soon. I should be ready for spring chicks in 2012!!

That's such a stupid limitation that you should collect the water anyway
and then fight it when the rain water cops butt in... You will win...

This is America, and this is YOUR land after all...

Your property rights alone should dictate that you own every natural resourse on your property,
on the actual land, under ground for 1 mile down, and above ground for 1 mile up.

This includes water that lands on the ground when it rains.
Please be careful with choosing the container you use for collecting rainwater . You don't want to be using an ole pesticide container besides the fact that it is illegal the barrel can have residue in it. Make sure you know what was in that container before using it.
Safety tip of the day!

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