Making Lemonade [Selective Culling Project - very long term]

So what do you do with males over that age? Make soup?
I put in the oven and Roast

From what I've read, Db (aka Dark Brown) is a "columbian restrictor"-- meaning it restricts black in about the same way that Columbian does (changing where on the chicken the black goes, not changing what color the black is.)

I've also read that Db got named Dark Brown because it changed the color of the chick down in some crosses. (Black became dark brown in the chick down, but NOT in the feathers.)

One source for part of that:
"Changes black down of E, ER to reddish-brown. Adults males exhibit a Columbian-type pattern of black, modifies red to orange-tan. Db is a better restrictor of black in males than females."

Another source:
" Db => Dark brown, Name refers to chick down. Columbian-like restrictor of black, Less powerful on hens (patterned back). Co-causer of certain patterns, Acts even under birchen."
(To get this explanation, I set a chicken to have Db in the calculator, then clicked "explain phenotype" near the image of the chicken.)
Speaking about DB. The chick I suspected that was DB, actually turned out as Buff Barred.
I maybe able to get updated pictures today. His tail doesn't have black, just a golden brown like my one hen, but lighter.

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