Making stock to can with my pressure canner.


12 Years
Jan 24, 2011
Bristol, VT
My Coop
My Coop
I started a chicken in the crock pot this afternoon around noon and will let it go overnight until noon tomorrow. Then I will can the chicken stock and use the chicken to make a pot load of chicken and dumplings. Right now my kitchen smells so good. I love it. I didn't add much water to the crock pot just started it cooking on low and the juices from the bird itself are what is now filling the crock pot. Hopefully it will taste as good as it looks.
Oh, it will. No doubt about it.

We like to roast our birds whole, but when I've collected three sets of bones I throw them in the corckpot with some veggie scraps and some water to get it started. When the day is done, I've got about 3 quarts of deliciousness. Beats the store bought stuff any day!

ETA: You know you've done it right when you put it in the fridge to cool down and it turns into chicken jello. All that gelatin is what makes chicken stock so yummy.
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Came out absolutely amazing and looks just like chicken jello lol. Put it in a jar and then pressure canned it so now it's on my shelf waiting to be used. I love not having to buy stock anymore.
I as well love not buying stock anymore!!! It has far less sodium than the packaged stuff, way less expensive, and tastes way better! I make it out of stuff I would normally throw away!!! Ends of onions, ends of carrots, wiggly celery,parsley stems, mushroom stems. All great things. Then after I boil the crap out of it, it goes to the chickens who go gangbusters over that stuff.

When I have about two carcasses I make stock and get 5-7 quarts out of it. I throw everything on a sheet pan and brown it in the oven, even if it's been cooked. I get a much richer stock and a higher yield because of it.

Sorry if there are typos, I'm on my iPad.
Put my second batch in today. I am watching the sales for a low cost beef chuck roast at the butchers. Would really like to get a roast and do some beef stock as well. Would be nice to be able to cover all my bases without having to buy as much.
Lily, your butcher might just give you some beef bones to use. They typically just toss them anyway. Granted, there's very little meat on there, if any, but it'll still make great stock!
I as well love not buying stock anymore!!! It has far less sodium than the packaged stuff, way less expensive, and tastes way better! I make it out of stuff I would normally throw away!!! Ends of onions, ends of carrots, wiggly celery,parsley stems, mushroom stems. All great things. Then after I boil the crap out of it, it goes to the chickens who go gangbusters over that stuff.

When I have about two carcasses I make stock and get 5-7 quarts out of it. I throw everything on a sheet pan and brown it in the oven, even if it's been cooked. I get a much richer stock and a higher yield because of it.

Sorry if there are typos, I'm on my iPad.

"Wiggly" celery! Love it!!!

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