Male female chicks


6 Years
May 28, 2013
How old can u start to tell if ur chicks are male or female, our chicks are about a month old and not sure what we have???
it takes a while to develop your eye for it, but from day 1 you can tell to an extent. look at the legs from the side profile of the chick, the thicker legged chicks with bigger toes are usually male. (works about 80% of the time)

if you observe them, males will normally show their "dominant stance" from the first week on.

in a month it starts getting pretty easy to tell by the combs on most birds. cockerels will have the biggest combs.

in 3-4 months hackle and saddle feathers show up fairly plain. (cockerel)

edited to add:
depending on where you got your chicks, you might look up feather sexing. this only works on chicks a day or two old.
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