Name 3 Things You Did Or Will Do Today - 2024

Today I will:
Weed some more of the garden
Clean up some of the mess I've left in the side yard
Work out on the elliptical
Install the hose to the lower garden

One of those for sure (elliptical); the rest depend somewhat on the weather.

164 days in a row on the elliptical... :thumbsup
My puppy stays smelling pretty good as long as I bath him regularly and keep his ears clean with the ear cleaner stuff. His breath doesn't smell too bad either. I give him those little dental stick things for one of his treats and that helps. His breath does smell like dog food sometimes, though. But, dogs are dogs and still smell like dogs to some extent no matter what you do.

I love my boy, but sometimes I look at him, and in a nice quiet voice I tell him that he is a goofy big headed pain in my *** and I knew better than to get him. He smiles with his head tilted, tongue hanging out, eyes gleaming, wags his nub, and then jumps on me and wants to play. Goofy dog.
No, this one wouldn’t let me get a dog either :(
As long as it is not one of those tiny ones that dribble pee when they get excited. Or, one of those that drool a couple of gallons an hour. Or, one that destructs things they shouldn't, and certainly not a Lab (sorry Lab owners, but I detest them) then, maybe. I mean it is better than keeping a pony in the house, usually.
As long as it is not one of those tiny ones that dribble pee when they get excited. Or, one of those that drool a couple of gallons an hour. Or, one that destructs things they shouldn't, and certainly not a Lab (sorry Lab owners, but I detest them) then, maybe. I mean it is better than keeping a pony in the house, usually.
what about a pony-sized dog? Like a Great Danish?

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