Male or female California Valley Quail


5 Years
May 31, 2016
Michigan (By The Thumb)
Hi ! I got these Quail probably about a week or 2 ago. I'm not sure how old they are so if you can't give me a gender maybe you can give me an age. This is just one quail out of my 5 . I have one quite a bit smaller than this and 1 quite a bit bigger than this. I can take more pictures if needed ! Thank you !

I think they said they were 2 years of age, wouldn't they be very old quail?
Years? I think lydiagirl99 said weeks. Besides, even without a given age, the feathering/plumage gives it away that they are still young. Adults never look like the ones in the posted pictures.
The bird in the picture is small but looks fully feathered so appears to be around 5 weeks old. Check their breasts; if speckled-females. If reddish, then males.
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Sorry, I missed that they were Valey Quail and my reply was for Cots. Disregard my previous post.
They look to be 3-4 weeks old.
The male will have a blackish face & head with pronounced white stripe with a bluish gray breast.
The female will be kinda subdued with a solid brown in the face, head & breast.

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