Male or Female RIR... what do you think?


10 Years
Sep 13, 2009
Creedmoor, NC
I'm new to this, but my hubby and I are pretty sure we've got a Roo on our hands!!! I know its too early to tell, but I figured I'd post some pics and see what y'all think! If he is a Roo, we'll keep him, no biggie, we were just surprised!!!

They are all RIR's about 4 weeks old. The chick in question is a bit taller than the rest, has a much redder comb that is larger than the other's, and seems to be a bit more dominating than all of the others. Here are the pics and thanks!

The Roo/Pullet in question:

His or Her profile:

A pullet not in question's profile:

The birds together:
Haha awesome! Thanks for the quick responses!!! Just what we thought!

I got them from Meyer's Hatchery and paid extra to make sure they were all pullets... oh well, I know its hard for them to tell!
Sexing is only 90% accurate at best. You can usually expect one roo per ten chicks you order. Enjoy your fuzzybutts. Good Luck

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