Male or female?


9 Years
Sep 21, 2010

This is the newest member of my mini flock. I wanted a male and this one is supposed to be a year old. I am not convinced that he is really a he. What do you think?
Hens will be loud and very vocal. Males will make deeper and softer sounds. Once you figure it out you will be able to tell them apart quite easily..
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I'm thinking it's a female because there's no curled tail feathers. If his/her quack is a loud honking sound it's a female, if it's quiet and kind of raspy it's a male.
It's hard to tell from a picture. Males will get 2 curly feathers on the tops of their tails called the 'drake feathers', but those are usually the first ones that go when they molt. The best way to tell is by what it 'says'. If it quacks it's a duck, if it sounds like it has lost its voice it's a drake.
It is a soft voice. It has never had the tail curl. I've had him for 2 months. When he first came his neck feathers were funny so he may have molted before I got him. It's defiantly not the curl it should be for a boy.
I'm guessing boy. Mine lost his drake feather about three months ago and hasn't grown another yet. Mostly if he is quiet I think boy.

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