Male vs female


In the Brooder
Sep 3, 2023
I'm new to ducks this year. I got 2 buff ducks. 2 different beak colors. I'm hoping one female and one male. Anyone have any ideas?
Are you hearing any noise different than normal duckling peeping? I have 3 Buff females and all have the same color bill as yours on the left . Not sure if that means anything though. Your are adorable mine are 4-7 yrs old
If you have a drake the head will begin to darken but I am thinking you’ll hear peep honks (quacks) before then. Drakes usually peep longer than females too.
I do notice the one on the right has a more honk type sound and one on left is more chirping type. The one on the left is sweeter too thats kinda why I also think female! Ok great thank you for the tips! I want more already I just didn't want to end up with too many drakes hahah.
Yes, they can be voice-sexed now. If the right one is honking, she’s most definitely a girl. I’d guess the left is a boy if he’s only chirping, but a video of their voices would let me confirm for you. You can upload a video to YouTube and link it here.
This is a girl 100% the one with the pinkish bill.

And this is a boy! With the orange bill.

I do believe you’re right with bill color being a factor here, but in some ducks it’s not. You described their voices well :)
Oh yay thank you so much for the help😊! I was hoping I'd have one girl! I'm excited.
Are you hearing any noise different than normal duckling peeping? I have 3 Buff females and all have the same color bill as yours on the left . Not sure if that means anything though. Your are adorable mine are 4-7 yrs old
If you have a drake the head will begin to darken but I am thinking you’ll hear peep honks (quacks) before then. Drakes usually peep longer than females too.

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