Mallard ducklings question

Cool....I only hatch Chicks under my Broody Chicken Hens...Ducklings I like to hatch..I had one Hen who went broody and hatched her 8 Ducklings but she was not a great momma..Next year she might be better..?Niw Lily my Call is setting so I hope she is better?..I only left her 6 eggs and incubating the rest...
Muscovy eggs and mallard eggs are different sizes (slightly)? I know a lot of people have chickens and they don't have roosters. My experience and watching these guys, they provide an invaluable asset to a farm. I don't mind the noise as everybody is away from the house on the 1/2 acre so it's hard to hear all the guineas and roos.

It's hard selling eggs from a farm. People are so picky and quick to point fingers. If someone did that do me I'd take care of it. If someone told me some of the eggs in a dozen weren't right, I'd give them a free dozen.
I offered to make it right, but she wasn't interested. :(
Yeah I get that. my BA has pushed out several eggs and when she went to eat, I counted 10 so I added RIR eggs as I don't want any more BA's.. Actually next week I'll be checking as they should be a hatchin' :)

Cool....I only hatch Chicks under my Broody Chicken Hens...Ducklings I like to hatch..I had one Hen who went broody and hatched her 8 Ducklings but she was not a great momma..Next year she might be better..?Niw Lily my Call is setting so I hope she is better?..I only left her 6 eggs and incubating the rest...
talk about freaky, this video could be wrong...I saw those ducklings...OMG they look like mine but belong to a muscovy????

Some just don't handle the hormone rushes as well as others, lol... just be careful he doesn't breed your chickens...

But they're cute! And I do agree... unless one doesn't have ethics... someone near me was always selling Swede/Muscovy crosses, but never mentioned they were mules... :(

I actually give all my eggs away...Just a hobby to me...I keep incubating my Duck eggs ... 14 in one incubator and 3 in the other...Plus my Call is setting....
talk about freaky, this video could be wrong...I saw those ducklings...OMG they look like mine but belong to a muscovy????

That down pattern is just basic wildtype pattern/color... it's common across many duck breeds... if yours hatched at 24 days, there's no Muscovy...

Btw, do you have any good, clear pics of the parents? I am curious that they only took 24 days...

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