Mallard Egg no sign of external pip

Babies can take 24-48 to zip after external pip
The fact baby has made a second hole I would give it more time
It may not be fully absorbed and that’s why it’s taking its time
Not all ducklings peep I have had both very quiet and very loud
I also don’t often see the egg moving while they are absorbing the yolk and resting
You may see it wiggling again as it’s starting to zip
Is baby making chewing and yawning motions with the beak
That’s what you see at the hole
You may also see hairline cracks not breaks as baby hits the shell
If you have a YouTube account
You can upload it there then share the link
Great idea , here’s the link
No progress since 10 am yesterday. That was the 2nd external pip . The video is from this morning
How long since you noticed the first external pip
I do think it’s breathing fast and you should be seeing some cracking
If it’s been over 48 since first external pip I would say start to take some shell in the direction they would zip
Look for veins in the inner membrane
Use coconut oil or Vaseline to wet the membrane using a q tip
Be gentle not to rip it
If no veins at all then peel more back
Continue unless you see veins then stop
And just keep membrane moist
From what I can see on the video, the membrane that looks a little brown is the outer membrane that sits just under the shell. The baby is also wrapped in an inner membrane, so we can't see what the inner membrane looks like. If its dry, or brown, or moist as it should be.
Personally, I would try to inspect under that outer membrane flap and try to see inside. Once you look under that membrane, you should be able to determine if it needs help, or if it is progressing naturally.

I'm also wondering if the egg is upside down, or if the baby is actually upside down, since it pipped down toward the floor. Can you see the beak enough to see which way it is positioned? Not that it really matters, but if it is upside down, I would roll the egg over and put the pip on top, so the baby can maybe orient itself more easily.
Thanks , let me try that, so its ok not take it out from the incubator quickly ? inspect it and put the egg back with the pip on top?
Yes you can
When I was assisting I kept mine in the bathroom and would run the shower for a few mins to build up humidity and heat that way I could work on the eggs
But many don’t have that option and do just fine Taking it out quickly for a few mins at a time
Thank you , I have a better view now . Here’s a video of the baby duck 40 hours since 1st external pip . I can see a sticky yellow fluid below the membranes
He couldn’t have hatched on his own . I think humidity was too low during incubation, the membrane was all leathery .. I made an executive call to help him at the 40 hour from pip mark . I am glad I did . There was no unabsorbed yolk , no red blood vessels , the little fella was ready to come out .. post a video shortly
oh my gosh this made me happy to hear!

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