Mama weaned chicks and now they hide in the coop!


7 Years
Jun 25, 2012
Northern California!
SO mama broody has finally rejoined the Flock (chicks hatched out end of June so I guess its about time) there are 3 left and I notice they are their own tiny little flock and hang out together-- today I came home from out of town(my daughter said she hadnt seen them in a couple of days and I found them in the Coop! Usually they hang out in the bushes behind the chicken yard (it has a gap under the fence and the chickens go out and free range about on our 2 acres) and maybe if they see their Broody mama they will scramble after her and range a bit, by themselves-- they are their own little mini flock and keep to themselves away from the other 11 chickens....
Will they start going out more to free range? -- it would probably be safer if they would hang with the Big chickens alittle more- there is such a size difference they are about half the size of the adults although fully feathered (except their heads are bit funny looking)...
Will they ever mingle more and become part of the larger flock? Is this going to happen every year I will get little mini flocks of new chicks that dont mingle?
Answers would be great thanx in advance!
As they get larger they should start mingling with the others more. They do sometimes make small subgroups within the flock. Being smaller they probably get bossed around by the older chickens.
As they get larger they should start mingling with the others more. They do sometimes make small subgroups within the flock. Being smaller they probably get bossed around by the older chickens.

OK thanx for the reassurance, last week I found them in the crawl space (we had to lower the coop to a couple of inches off the ground d/t it being under our porch ramp-- big mistake in retrospect) under the coop and had to pry them out with a broom handle....
I will give it more time they sure do seem kinda small and scrawny....

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