Man, I hate shipped eggs... and a question.


9 Years
May 16, 2010
Just got in a dozen eggs shipped in from about 100 miles away. Only one day in transit, but one egg was exploded, another 3 with major cracks/dents, and 2 more with hairline cracks.

Leaves me with 6 intact eggs settling before going in the bator. A few of the eggs have some of the white on them from the exploded egg. I'm thinking I should wash those eggs off in tapwater before placing them in the bator... What do you guys think?
Some people say yes, some people say no. I would say take a soft damp cloth and wipe it off gently. I hate shipped eggs too, because the post of just dont give a D...m! And they are going to raise postage again. Geezzzzzz
My post office has been phenomenal with my chicks and eggs. I can't say for what happens between the shipper and my po, but I have to really give kudos to ours. They rock! They DO care about the boxes and take great care. Its sad to hear how so many have bad experiences.
Better buy from Cloverleaf then. I don't think the P.O. is tough enough to destroy her tornado proof packing!
I got 5 shipments for a total of 39 eggs. Not one was damaged! Thanks, Clover!
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99% of the time there is no excuse for broken eggs if they are packed correctly. Occasionally you will have the crushed box that no packing can withstand, but it's rare.

I would let the seller know. I sell a lot of eggs and I would expect to replace those eggs for free.
JustAChickenLittle&More :

Some people say yes, some people say no. I would say take a soft damp cloth and wipe it off gently. I hate shipped eggs too, because the post of just dont give a D...m! And they are going to raise postage again. Geezzzzzz

Don't get me started regarding USPS. They have very bad record with me, it was time when I was mailing hundreds packages a week, paying good portion of salary of some of those overpaid, overprotected, lazy and arrogant jerks.

Took a lot of heat from customers for misdelivered, undelivered, or destroyed packages.

Anybody doing mailorder/shipping on more than limited scale experienced the "pleasure" dealing with USPS.​
I'm going to assume you read the risks before having them shipped, however the seller is responsible for making sure they are packaged apporiately for the trip. Even packaged very well they can get broken, but under normal handling conditions (no crushed box, etc) they should arrive just fine. How were they packaged?

Don't knock buying hatching eggs - sometimes the only way to get really good stock at a decent price is to buy eggs from a private breeder.

Not all of us that ship eggs are bad.
i just scratched off the yolk and white with my finger nail, and put them in, all the ones with egg on them hatched, which shocked me the eggs that didn't make the trip where smashed
I don't know how the trip is before it gets to my post office but they are wonderful there. My mail lady is a cattle farmer and grew up on a chicken farm and she drives them right down to the house and to me at my door. I have had only one bad experience and that was last year when she hesitantly gave me a box that was totally crushed and oozing egg out on one end. She felt so bad about it and wanted to know what I wanted to do about it. My husband explained that it got to the post office and was put on the belt for sorting and probably got to the end of the belt and no one took it off and more packages came down and started shoving and it actually got stuck between the belt and the mechanism - crushed.

I think it also depends on how the shipper indicates what is in the box. Some put huge cute picture labels that state it is fertile hatching eggs ALL OVER the box and to please treat them delicately. I have one that puts on "Live embryos - please handle carefully" I think it draws attention to what is actually in the box. My husband who is in the delivery business can tell you that they see so many packages at one time, something on it has to draw their attention to special handling - SO THE BIGGER THE BETTER AND THE MORE TIMES IT CAN BE PUT ON THE BOX IS EVEN BETTER.

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