Man those things like to range

Yay! I'm glad your chickens came home! Congratulations on your patience. LOL I would have been out there chasing them homeward and then they'd probably pack their suitcases and left for good.
Another option would be to let them out late in the evening and have treats on you when you do. Use your "come home chickens" call while they're eating their yummies. Do this for a few nights starting earlier every night. Eventually they'll come running from whereever they are whenever you call them.

My call is "CHICKEEEEEE,,CHICK,,CHICK,,CHICK" I can go out at anytime of day and yell this a few times and those girls come running to see what treats I have for them...usually table scraps.

I like that.I am gonna use that when my chicks are here and grown.
We have 20 acres and they use it all and then some. Luckily, my neigbors don't mind since they get eggs out of me every once in a while. My rooster does a good job calling the girls back in. I have yet to loose any, I do a head count every night.

I too call for them during the day and give them treats. I get them all back within 3-5 minutes they are all back, but once the treats are gone, they spread out again. LOL.
hmmm...usually around dusk mine come if i yell "Come On Girls, Inside Time!" LOL But theres always those few stubborn adventageous ones that dont come....I dont know why I never used treats lol..its common sense but ya....were gonna start doing that. All I really have to do is walk outside with a plastic bag and Im getting smothered tho lol
I describe my chickens like this ......You remember being a kid and it was time for recess and everybody knows there is only six swings on the play ground...well when the teacher opens the door and every child takes off running to get to the swings first.....that's my chickens when I open the door for them to come out and free range
they love it and yes they come running when I sat here chick..chick..chick they know it's somethin' good...they also follow me around when I'm outside
my FIL says they are the most spoiled chickens he's ever seen.

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