Managing a layer flock (replacement options and stress and impact on laying)

There are so many threads on integration, one can really get overwhelmed and think it's always got to be a huge production to change any bird in any flock, ever.

That's not my experience at all.

Most of those are folks with small, what I'd call micro flocks, contained as a single unit where they never see another bird. Then, someone dies or they want more birds, so they add 1-2 new birds, usually younger. Chances are, the space was maxed out to start with. So, yeah, things go poorly for the new birds.

Larger groups, it's not the same thing. A larger flock is going to have smaller cliques within itself already. Adding 20 birds to 50 birds should be much of a non-event, if there's enough space and resources available. I mean, sure, you're going to get "Who are you? I don't know you! You're going to eat MY food? I don't think so....I'm gonna kick your butt!" the newbie freaks out and runs away. Older hen says "Yeah, you better run!"....then decides she has much more pressing business elsewhere, cause who wants to spend all that effort chasing a little punk around?

that's how my group to group mergers seem to go. Once in a while, one particular young bird just won't back down. Well, then I just let them sort it out. they've all got to live together, one way or another. I've not had a bird, being basically the same age and with enough space, seriously injured or harassed to the point where I had to pull the bird out.
Space and multiple feed/water stations definitely key......and no doubt, the more birds - the easier.
Hilarious, and accurate, dialog
@@Folly's place

I had originally planned a three year cycle, but have been considering a few different options. Basically trying to figure out what will work best. I am planning to use dual-purpose Heritage breed (or two crossed Heritage to increase egg production). I'm worried that they will really slow down in the third year so may not work in terms of economics. (Since all my bird are raised fully organic which is more expensive) They will be easier to sell off at 2 years old vs 3 so that was one reason I started to consider the 2 year plan. The other reason I wanted to choose a good dual-purpose is so I can process the extra cockerels for meat. I am planning to hatch my own using my good breeder stock. (So always lots of extra boys!) Using the "spiral/clan mating" breeding plan to maintain and improve the breeders I will use to create my layers.

I do still have my "personal" flock that are my special ones, that will always stay with us - laying or not :) these new layers will be the "working girls" - that will work for their keep haha!
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