Managing flies and smell with ducks and chickens


Jul 20, 2021
I currently have 3 pekin ducks and 4 Rhode Island reds that are about 2 months old. I’m at my wits end dealing with the flies in our yard. I love my birds but I’ve tried everything in reducing the smell and flies. I’m about ready to give them away. Does anyone have experience in dealing with this problem?
I have not raised ducks and chickens together but I surmise part of the problem may be too much moisture. Do you live where it has been a rainy year?
Another problem is compacted soil. Do your birds live in a pen or do they free range?
There is a product called Farm360 that can help with the smell.
Another product for flies is Starbar Golden Malrin fly bait.
One of the things is you need good ventilation I your coop. The ducks make everything wet. Also, do not keep food or water in the coop if you do. I also have a waterer for my ducks that they can stick head in only. I keep their pools farther from the coop so it is less wet and damp around the coop.

I can't say anything about chickens. But I had issues in the beginning with flies. Keeping their bedding dry and the area around the coop helped a lot.

Also ways you can reduce flies is keeping feed from covering the ground.

Try some fly traps to help reduce the population as you fix things.
Knowing more about your set up/having photos could help. Any drainage issues? What are you using for litter in coop and in the run? How large are both coop and run? What's your cleaning routine looking like right now?

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