Manners pet peeve's

One of the things which bothers me most is when parents let their kids run wild, with no regard for others, at places such as museums, public zoos/aquariums, etc. I'll be patiently waiting my turn to see an exhibit, only to have some kid jump in front of me, blocking the viewing area, or grabbing "interactive" material just as I am reaching for it.
I was at a museum around Christmas time, waiting my turn to step onto a machine which simulates what it feels like to be in an earthquake. Each person's turn takes about 3 minutes. I had waited in line patiently for about 15 minutes and just as I was stepping onto the machine, some kid pushes past me and leaps on! I can't remember exactly what I said.... something along the lines of a sarcastic "Well excuse me!" The mother then notices and says "oh, I'm sorry, did he cut in front of you?" When I told her yes, she just tells her son, that he shouldn't have done that, which is all well and good, but then lets him continue riding!
If he were my kid, he would have been yanked off that machine so fast! This kid learned nothing about consequences for his actions.

Another pet peeve of mine is when people litter. I hate finding people's cigarette butts in my yard! If someone doesn't want their butts in their car, guess what? I don't want them in my yard either! That goes for the empty packs too. Another peeve is finding peoples garbage in grocery carts. Don't want to take that flyer with you, or that empty bag? Well I don't want to go shopping with it either. Clean it up! Take responsibility! Grrrr....
I'm not above correcting other people's kids in public. It generally scares the children, and that is a good, good thing!

I can't stand going out to eat and having some child, old enough to know better, touching my table, running around, being noisy and annoying. I could have that at home, and if my kids acted that way in public, they would be mighty sorry....

Huge pet peeve of mine, along the lines of littering up after dogs. If you live in the 'burbs and wouldn't throw trash on your neighbor's yard, why would you let your dog leave a huge dump anywhere? Beyond rude, nasty, nasty, nasty!

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