I hatched a Black Copper Maran Roo egg that I got from my pet chicken...He is 8 months old and is in with 4 hens, a buff orpington, dominique, 2 gold laced wyandottes. They are laying but was not planning on hatching any of the eggs, I really am not interested in having any mutts right now. I am going to a local breeder to pick up 3 more hens. He has black marans, blue copper , blue splash, and blue....Would any of these be okay to go with my roo for hatching? I tried to look into the genetics, but apparently am not smart enough to read the henk's chart!!! Someone please spell this out for me in English... Do I need to stick to Black copper or can I go with mixing the maran breeds, or is this a no no, if not, which 3 should I go with?