marans color question


Mad Scientist
16 Years
Jun 1, 2008
I have bc marans(11) in the hatcher. I also have only 1 blue copper and 1 birchen that made it to the hatcher. Is there any reason the keep the 2 oddballs? What happens if they are bred to the BC? I am not sure if I will be getting more birchen and not sure when (what year
) my name will come up on Bev's list for the blue coppers. I do have restrictions on the amount of birds and need to use my space wisely, so ideas are appreciated as well as knowledge on the cross
I am just starting to understand the genetics, but here is my thinking. I considered this question as I began getting into the breed. I ultimately decided to stick with just the Copper Blacks for starters. Mixing different colors with Marans is the same as mixing with any other breed. I know folks do breed their Copper Blues back to their Cooper Blacks for color. However, you would not be able to distinquish which eggs were mixes. I have steered clear of any breeder with mixed pens of Marans and will not buy those eggs. If you want to sell your eggs, consider that many serious buyers would want pure color. Of course many folks will buy anything they can get their hands on, as evidenced by much of the junk being sold for very high prices.
I would keep them and have them as part of my mixed flock for beauty, egg color and super neat mix offspring or sell them.

I know you have been to Bev's site, but I do like her genetics page. blues.htm

It was VERY hard for me to resist getting some Copper Blues. VERY HARD.

How's the hatch going?
Well today is day 21 for some and only day 20 for 4(nothing on those yet). I have 3 bc out(all feather legged) 1 bc pip and 1 blue copper pip. The 1 birchen and 3 other bc aren't doing anything yet, but I expect them to be a little later this hatch. I kept my temps on the lower side, didn't want to chance cooking any

I guess I will decide if they stay depending on gender, since I *need* roos in other breeds/colors I will probably only keep them for eggs if they are hens, they can go with my eating eggs pen until I figure out what I'm doing
Marans can be sexed pretty early. I sexed my current babies as soon as their feathers emerged which was like day 3. Two weeks out I think I might get most of them correct. I will know for sure in another week, which is week 3. And I am a newcomer to the breed and chickens. The males get combs pretty quickly.

I am so excited for you!

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