Marans eggs on ebay....

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The black-list?

I'm sure calling the VP's birds poor quality, be a fast-track way to getting on that list!
Instead of chatting back and forth why doesn't the buyer send an invite to the seller so they can speak for themselves? or if anybody else knows the seller lets hear their side, Wouldn't that be fair and more to the BYC way?

I don't have any problem speaking my mind which does get me in trouble here and there
If the buyer doesn't want to rock the boat, they can PM me and I'll invite them. I think it is important to hear both sides, don't ya'll think?

Steve in NC
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If you change your mind please sign me up!

We don't even have to call them Marans if it would make you feel better

Seems that a lot of them are already a bit messed up.

At least your Marans eggs have maintained a nice dark color and you should be proud of that.

Hopefully your picture won't end up on some auction site!

Instead of chatting back and forth why doesn't the buyer send an invite to the seller so they can speak for themselves?

IMO, That's a good & fair idea. I had wondered whether the vendor ought to be party to this thread. There ought to be nothing to be feared by fair exchange of opinions. But I'd hope it wouldn't turn into a slagging match.

I don't have any problem speaking my mind which does get me in trouble here and there

Same here.
And I shouldn't like to hurt the lady's feelings with my comments about her male in that photo, though it is what I think.
well folks, I sent her an email and will wait on her reply before I refer her over here. She may very well have an explanation and I would not want things to get crazy before her and I have a chance to discuss. In my note I explained about the smashed and cracked egg with the shiny stickiness to it and my extreme disappointment in the color of the eggs. I will let everyone know if/when i hear back.

I do want to extend an apology to ShelleyD2008 for somewhat highjacking her thread here, sorry about that shelley!
Maybe I should start a new post on the eggs and take this discussion there.
That's fine, I was just mainly curious if it was possible for eggs to be as dark as they were in the OP pic! Chat away, lots of good info here
Wow; I just read through the whole thread and found all this very interesting. I will be waiting to see what she says regarding the quality of the eggs she sent.

I got started with Marans (Fitch, Ripley, and Braden Cuckoo lines, and Black/Birchin/and Black Copper) sometime around the year 2000 so quality certainly wasn't what it is now, but I can say none of my hens eggs ever lightened that dramatically. Those pictures are like comparing my Penedesenca or Welsummer (pullet) eggs to my Barnevelders (who bless their gorgeous little hearts just didn't get the memo that they are a dark egg laying breed).

And as long as I shipped eggs never sent out an egg that was cracked or shipped. I didn't even like sending dirty eggs.
my Barnevelders (who bless their gorgeous little hearts just didn't get the memo that they are a dark egg laying breed).

I don't now of any Barnevelders, either side of the pond, that lay really dark brown eggs. I think it was Hans Schippers who referred to his barnie eggs as looking like coffee with cream.​
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