MARANS - proposed standards - - FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES

Updated post to include pics of DQ and faults on Shanks, toes, and other parts of body...

Fault - White in the hackle.

White under coat in the hackles of a 5 month old Black Copper cockerel.


Fault - Straw colored hackles


Fault - Feather Shafting


Fault - Feather Shafting
On Chest of roo on left

DQ - Mossiness on Black Copper. Standard says "brown spotting on female" i.e. mossiness

Blue birchen girl has mossiness . In the birchens it comes through more as white and shades of cream than it does brown like in the BCMs.

FAULT - feathers on middle toe.


Fault - feathers on middle toe


Fault - Crooked Toe


Fault - Crooked toes

Missing toe nail on Rudimentary toe - FAULT


Spurs on a Hen - Fault


DQ- lacking in breed specifications BLACK CHEST


Split wing - DQ


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BLACK COPPER MARANS 7 /26/10 version

Disqualifications (approved 7/26/10)
Yellow on shanks or toes. White ear lobes. Pearl or black eyes. Absence of feathers on shanks. (See General Disqualifications and Cutting for Defects.)

Standard Weights (approved 6/11/10)
Cock….…..8 lbs Hen……6 1/2 lbs
Cockerel….7lbs Pullet…..5 1/2 lbs

Shape—Male (approved 6/11/10)
COMB: Single, moderately large, straight, upright, evenly serrated with five points; the blade not touching the neck.
BEAK: Long, stout and well curved.
FACE: Smooth, skin fine and soft in texture.
EYES: Large and prominent.
WATTLES: Medium in size, oval, skin fine in texture.
EAR-LOBES: Average in size, long.
HEAD: Moderate in size, slightly flattened on top, and long.
NECK: Moderately long and full, arched. Hackle abundant, flowing well over the shoulders.
BACK: Wide at the shoulders, long, flat, slightly tilted to the rear. Slightly more inclined than that of the female.
Saddle feathers -- abundant, saddle large and slightly raised.
TAIL: Full, rather short, carried at an angle of 45 degrees above horizontal.
Main tail feathers -- broad and overlapping, shorter than average.
Sickles -- shorter than average.
WINGS: Short, held close to the body, carriage nearly horizontal.
Primaries and secondaries -- broad and overlapping in natural order when wing is folded.
BREAST: Strong, broad, and full. Well rounded when viewed from both the front and side.
BODY AND FLUFF: Body -- deep, long and broad, especially through the shoulders which are carried high. Overall, rectangular in shape.
Fluff -- medium in length.
LEGS and TOES: Legs set well apart and straight when viewed from the front.
Lower thighs -- strong and well feathered.
Shanks -- medium length, stout, and straight; lightly feathered down the outer sides.
Toes -- four long and well-separated toes on each foot. Outer toes lightly feathered, middle toes free from feathers.
PLUMAGE: Moderately tight and smooth textured.

Shape—Female (approved 7/09/10)

COMB: Single, smaller than that of the male; straight and upright, evenly serrated with five points, and fine in texture. No female in or near production with the rear portion of the comb lopped should be discriminated against.
BEAK: Long, stout and well curved.
FACE: Smooth, skin fine and soft in texture.
EYES: Large and prominent.
WATTLES: Medium in size, oval.
EAR-LOBES: Average in size, long.
HEAD: Moderate in size, slightly flattened on top, and long.
BACK: Wide at the shoulders, long, flat, and slightly tilted to the rear. Slightly less inclined that that of the male.
NECK: Moderately long and full, arched.
TAIL: Full, rather short, carried at an angle of 45 degrees above horizontal.
Main tail feathers -- broad and overlapping, shorter than average.
WINGS: Short, held close to the body, carriage nearly horizontal.
Primaries and secondaries -- broad and overlapping in natural order when wing is folded.
BREAST: Strong, broad, and full. Well rounded when viewed from both the front and side.
BODY AND FLUFF: Body -- deep, long and broad, especially through the shoulders which are carried high. Should be more rounded than the male.
Fluff -- medium in length.
LEGS AND TOES: Legs set well apart, straight when viewed from the front.
Lower Thighs -- strong and well feathered.
Shanks -- medium length, stout, and straight; lightly feathered down the outer sides.
Toes -- four long and well-separated toes on each foot. Outer toes lightly feathered, middle toes free from feathers..
PLUMAGE: Moderately tight and smooth textured.

I just thought I would throw in some benchmarks to this....

I weighed my cockerel today and at 18 weeks old he was 5 lbs and 13 ounces.
His sire is 8 3/4 lbs. The standard calls for an 8 lb rooster.

So, the cockerels need to be around 5 1/2 pounds by 18 weeks to meet this goal.

At least with my stock, this is what I am seeing.
Ladies and gents,

This thread has now been updated with pics of some of the faults and DQ's.

As always, you can check in the first part of the APA SOP book and you will find more examples of some of these faults and DQs.

I will continue to add more pics of faults and DQ's as I stumble across them.

REMEMBER: This thread was created just to be a QUICK reference. Somewhere to go and QUICKLY find some basic information.
Please, do not chat on this thread

There is a thread dealing with the SOP that you can post questions in. It is at the following link:

Enjoy and thanks for visiting!
The previous pictures were Examples of what marans SHOULD NOT look like.
The next group of pictures will examples of what marans SHOULD look like.

SOP for COMB: Single, moderately large, straight, upright, evenly serrated with five points; the blade not touching the neck.
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SOP for LEGS and TOES: Legs set well apart and straight when viewed from the front.
Lower thighs -- strong and well feathered.
Shanks -- medium length, stout, and straight; lightly feathered down the outer sides.
Toes -- four long and well-separated toes on each foot. Outer toes lightly feathered, middle toes free from feathers.

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