Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Ruth, when I think of Black Copper Marans, images of your birds are the first to come to mind.


Because they are simply stunning, right down to their egg color.

Way to go!
Well, wouldn't ya know. Hubby got the new 4 wheel drive Jeep stuck in an 8 foot snow drift on the way home from work. If it had been me, I wouldn't have even gone.... in fact, I didn't go to work tonight. I kind of thought he was feeling bulletproof when he left for work today. Luckily he got a ride back into town, (wind chill is 30-35 below 0) but the jeep is still out there in the snow. He won't be able to get home now until they plow the roads which will probably be Thursday at the earliest, which also means I will be snowed in here by myself until then.

I am SO not looking forward to chores in the morning. The wind isn't supposed to die down until later, so it is going to be miserable for a while.

Boys and their toys.
When the time comes lock the doors , turn out the lights and leave a shovel and wheelbarrel at the doorway .
I consider what he did ridiculous and i'm a husband .......
the wife and family should allways come first !!!

Thanks for posting pics of them Shelley! You forgot egg photos though.
You and Mountain Mel are the first to post pics of Marans from me after they have left the building and I appreciate that very much. I always wonder how they all turn out after they have matured. Thank you!
If he is anything like his dad when he is 1.5 yrs old, he will be even bigger and chunkier. Gnarles gave Bill a run for his money in the size dept. but still comes up too short to beat Bill. This guy has a nice back and tail set, better than Gnarles' in my opinion.
In the second photo of him, just below his wing, where it looks darker...what's going on there with the feather color? I can't really tell in the photo's or maybe it is my monitor......but I'm not thrilled with that if it isn't just a variation of blue. Does that area look as though it has an light orangy dirty red leakage with some variations of a slightly darker blue? Looks like he has some copper flecking in his breast, is that what I am seeing? Sorry for soooooo many questions.

Do you mean that her comb went whacky because it got really big or because it lopped over or because she has too many points? I am pleased by the amount of copper that she has in her hackle. This is a big improvement......crossing my fingers for the next generation to have even better coppering.

Pink...he is all blue, I am not sure what color you think you see, but there isnt any black or white if that is what you are asking? he does have a tiny bit of copper in his chest, but not much. those pictures were in a dark barn with a halogen light in it, so not real good lighting. Plus not a super high quality camera. the hens comb got big just before she started laying and its not real floppy but kind of. I never got any good pictures of the eggs, and now I put them under a broody hen, thank god she decided to hatch something so I didnt have to trust my incubator. Cant wait to see how that turns out!

Very glad you set me straight, my monitor is whack and I don't always see things as others do, seriously my monitor made him look like he was kind of orangey there that is the only reason I asked. I was going to be freaked out if you had told me yes.
The copper in his chest is a good thing. Gnarles has some and so did Gnarles' father, but Gnarles has less than his dad had, you boys copper flecking and copper colors resembles his grandfathers, I likey likey like!!!!!! I really like the length of this boys back and tail set too. Good luck with your broody!
Pink...he is all blue, I am not sure what color you think you see, but there isnt any black or white if that is what you are asking? he does have a tiny bit of copper in his chest, but not much. those pictures were in a dark barn with a halogen light in it, so not real good lighting. Plus not a super high quality camera. the hens comb got big just before she started laying and its not real floppy but kind of. I never got any good pictures of the eggs, and now I put them under a broody hen, thank god she decided to hatch something so I didnt have to trust my incubator. Cant wait to see how that turns out!

Very glad you set me straight, my monitor is whack and I don't always see things as others do, seriously my monitor made him look like he was kind of orangey there that is the only reason I asked. I was going to be freaked out if you had told me yes.
The copper in his chest is a good thing. Gnarles has some and so did Gnarles' father, but Gnarles has less than his dad had, you boys copper flecking and copper colors resembles his grandfathers, I likey likey like!!!!!! I really like the length of this boys back and tail set too. Good luck with your broody!

edited to add: A while back the offer to purchase Gnarles' dad was made to me.......I should call my friend and see if he still wants to give him up and I should go get him....he had an awesome comb and was a huge boy. I should have taken my friend up on the offer then....sometimes I can be a complete dope.
Hi all, just quickly checking in here. The weather is awful, 10* and the wind is blowing 17mph with gusts of 30mph. In my area, we seem to have lucked out some and didn't get the huge snow that a lot of folks did. We here got 2" of sleet, then about 5-6" of snow on top. Power kept going on and off last night, but stayed mostly on. The winds were howling last night! Locked the chooks up yesterday before all the big stuff started, and they didn't even argue about it
. Got to go now and check on them, feed and water. Two 3 gallon feeders in there, so food should be good, the water is probably frozen by now. Tonight is getting down below zero, so hope the tarp I wrapped around the coop will help, and also hope the well doesn't freeze! Ready for it just in case though. Another snow storm is coming in on Sunday, Mon., and Tuesday. The ground hog didn't see his shadow today, so spring is just 6 weeks away!
Ya, right!

Susie, hope you get the Jeep out sooner than later. We won't see a snow plow here probably till next week! Give your hubby a
from me!
Stay warm and safe everyone!!
So what did he say.... can you have him???

I am assuming you made the call....

GOOD MORNING DEBBI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think our groundhog froze to death over night and is buried in his shadow....
We had some great weather and yesterday.. wow... so cold.. I hope my hennies are protecting that nest... We all thought it was spring.

I have daffodils that are 8 inches long!!!!
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I can't call him at would be my head!

I am going to send him an email first this morning and then if I don't hear back from him I will call. I'm sure he still has him even though it has been atleast 6 mos. since he offered, but he stated that unless I took him that he wouldn't get rid of him. My buddy has an alterior motive though......he wants offspring from Bill that have been crossed over Davis girls and more specifically, offspring from Bill and the birds that I have from a specific breeder who is no longer actively breeding. He and I both have stock directly from this person, but I have Bill. Cross your fingers.....I think it would be cool to have him, LOL, I only declined the offer at the time because I thought I had too many roosters. I have 14 currently.....what's one more?
I quit counting..... I don't even want to know... I only count going into winter....

Pleeeze post pictures when you procure the fella. We would love to know what to nab!!!
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