Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

This question is for Walt:

Regarding leg color for the Black Marans. Do you find the white feathers to be a problem in the Black ones with the Black genetic code or are we trying to eliminate the melanisers in a bird that doesn't derive from black genes... Like Birchen? What are your thoughts here... You are talking about the melanin in the legs and the SOP but isn't that like trying to "breed the hop out of a rabbit" so to speak??? I am trying to understand as I haven't gone back and read the entire thread.

What is the genetic base color for the bird??? Now what influences what we see... I can draw a map in my head about white feathers and dark legs pretty easy if I don't think of a black based bird.... The genetic makeup is a completely different bird. Please give me your thoughts on this..
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I have seen pics of them at shows, with ribbons, so I guess they are fine. The darker the better of course, and they need to be the same type, size, and I would think consistency in the speckling to win. i have never placed any of mine in an egg show, may have to try it once or twice.
Thanks Debbi! I may have to send some off to a show as well!

Morning Geebs! Is it pouring down your way neighbor? Got to get my butt out into it, stalling this morning...............
Acechix ~ I would have to make one other comment here on something to watch for, and that is the comb. Those half sized points can also lead to other anomalies. Check for sprigs too. As for his short back, breed him selectively to hens with longer backs. My main boy here is very short and slanted in his topline, but none of his babies have had the problem.
Thank you all on the feedback.

A few things I do know in response that may help:
Feather picking - the other roo was a jerk. They (my growouts - 14) had a 20' x 30' covered run for the summer that was connected to my grow out pen - a 12'x12' horse stall in my barn. Plenty of room. The other roo who suddenly started getting cream color on the wings was a very Alpha bird and this guy was 8 weeks younger. Thus the missing feathers.

The comb points were all there in the beginning. I have old pictures from much younger that show all the points and that they were the proper length ( at least uniform
) again thank you other roo, not so effectionately called "Jerk".

No sprigs or thumbprints... ( I know yet
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Well I am ready to relay my erperiences with the BC and the white feathers we are all bothered with, keep in mind that these are just what I have done and experienced with my own fowl. What I have to say I will not debate but will try and answer questions.

The first statement I will make is I believe the Wheaten influence to be the major problem with the white feathers. I culled all males with white or light legs. All fowl with the brown tinged feathers were culled also. Never seen a BC male with good black feathers with white feathers in tail and wing or undercoat under the hackle. Two year ago I culled all young male after the juve molt that had any white feathers.

With the brown tinged feathers you will have folks say they live in hot climate and that causes the brown, that is strickly BULL. When the BC SOP was changed at the last minute to light legs and not the medium slate it was going to be, all this did was encourage folks to breed for the white feathers.

The only way any of us can breed Marans without faults is cull and keep the AXE sharp. By cull I do not suggest selling the culls to someone else to keep on raising the junk.

For two year all the young males I culled had the white legs and the brown tinged feathers. You will also see more feather shafting when you breed the brown tinged Marans.

Any chickens I ever breed in the future will be single mated by way of trap nests, will post the trap nests in a few days if everything goes as planned.

One thing to remember is that any new Marans brought on your property should be test mated or you will be breeding the faults over and over.

Will say finally that I do not think that the SOP should be Dumbed down to make it easier to make a good Marans, anyone not willing to do the work should consider another breed of poultry.
With the brown tinged feathers you will have folks say they live in hot climate and that causes the brown, that is strickly BULL.
- - does the brown color have anything to do with the white feathers we're discussing? The reason I ask this - I have NEVER kept a chick with even the slightest hint of black (I did hatch some from a particular breeder and culled ALL), yet I have seen the white feather appear.

When the BC SOP was changed at the last minute to light legs and not the medium slate it was going to be, all this did was encourage folks to breed for the white feathers.

The SOP does not call for light legs....
You previously stated we should be breeding for DARK legs for Black Copper, so this is confusing...

The only way any of us can breed Marans without faults is cull and keep the AXE sharp. By cull I do not suggest selling the culls to someone else to keep on raising the junk.


So in a nutshell, you're saying simply cull any with white feathers and that's how to remove it from your breeding program? Isn't there more to it than that?
ETA - Don, I'm not trying to be argumentative - just trying to fully understand what you're saying.
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