Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

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Thanks...going to give it a shot.
That is good to hear. I have been contacted by so many people working on marans that want to have more info and to have a copy of the proposed standards for their birds so they can work towards better birds and the number one thing I hear is how confusing it all is and I can't argue much. If I hadn't been raised with the standards and know how the SOP works and etc, to know what a birchen in general should have, or etc, it would be hard.

I will look forward to seeing the proposals! I think it will make a huge difference in the work needing to be done before the qualifiers...particularly in the birchens as they need some major love haha.
Type is type - anyone working on varieties not yet approved should work on type first, using the sketches that have been posted so many times on the Marans threads. Then, I guess I would use an approved standard for the color of another breed that's already been approved. At least in the interim.
Thanks...going to give it a shot.
Give it a whirl, go ahead & do a practice post if you want in this thread, and I can delete it when you're done if you like.
Type is type - anyone working on varieties not yet approved should work on type first, using the sketches that have been posted so many times on the Marans threads.  Then, I guess I would use an approved standard for the color of another breed that's already been approved.  At least in the interim.

Give it a whirl, go ahead & do a practice post if you want in this thread, and I can delete it when you're done if you like.  :)

IT WORKED!!!!!!!

Thank you Wynette!
Elisha~ If he is junk....don't waste feed on him for too long. The mossy girl must have been maybe from Bad Betty or her BC half sister, both of which I have since culled. I wouldn't be surprised if you use her strictly for a layer.
Would love to see the blue gal in couple more months.

Try convincing my husband for me! lol He is stuck on breeding marans and making olive eggers. I say we can have a better choice. Right now my mix roos are looking so much better- I would prefer to make olive eggers using them instead. I am not one to use the ax around here.... but I would part with him to someone who just wants companion roo or to play around with there mix flock birds. I might be able to place him with my uncle in law who swooned over seeing a marans egg
Should have seen the mans eyes light up when I told him he could make army green eggs with this roo
He raises and eats his own birds- so marans would fit right in at his place. We'll see..... I just keep trying to convince the hubby lol if they day comes that Cowboy attacks me or the kids
he goes!!!
I don't have many Marans to post photos of, LOL!
Will see if the rain holds off for a while so I can go out and get some pics.
Lil' Bill we've all seen enough of him, especially me.
He is a PITA!
Yesterday, he was on my list....BIGTIME. Causing trouble around all the coops because he was out and nobody else was. Just like Bill he is, trouble, trouble, trouble. Don't even get me started on how he torments the geese.
LOL! You need a couple of Silkie roosters! Mine will NOT tolerate any of the boys here fighting! They are like stealth ninjas, and jump right in the middle of the big boys, and the big boys run! Soooo funny to watch!
Kim and Barb, here is what I can say about breeding the Blue Copper and have done this in past years. Forget about the BBS formula.

The main thing about Blue Copper breeding is only use the BC when the color needs enriching. Always use a Blue Copper or splash male and use Blue copper and splash females. The best mating in my mind is use a Blue Copper male over the splash female. When making variety crosses always use a male in the color you would like most of the chicks to be. Keep in mind that most of the time you will need a mating for males and another for female with parti colored fowl.

If you use very much BC in this Blue Copper breeding the males will have over red shoulders and will be junk. Best thing in breeding the Blue Copper is forget that there is BC.

There is much more but have tried to make it simple. I bred Modern Games for years and this is what I did.

Of all the splash that I ever raised there were only considered as breeding fowl.

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