Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

I know, it's awful! If you read the AM thread 1/2 of the posts are from people who think they have AM's, but they're EE's. I don't blame them, they were sold to them as such, but then they breed them and sell them as AM's too sometimes. Vicious cycle!
Before I knew better, I bought "Americanas". This site is what taught me the difference. I still love them, and they are great birds, but I sell them as EEs
I hope you have a great hatch!

I finished my article on purchasing birds from a breeder:
Nice read! Thank you for posting. I am a big advocate on reading as much information as possible. I 100% believe that one is always learning and never knows everything!!
Both of my BCM girls laid their first eggs on the same day, yesterday at 24.5 weeks old. They might barely be a 4 on the marans scale but one is a bit darker than the other. The egg in front is from one of my production reds.


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