Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

October 12 – 13, 2013
Michigan Poultry Fanciers
Michigan Fowl Fest ~ Birch Run, Michigan

Marans Egg Show*

Ribbons awarded for Best of each variety & People’s Choice
Trophy: Best Overall

**JUST for FUN**

$20 Cash Prize to the winner of each contest below!!

The special contests below are all based on 3-egg sets,
just as with regular egg shows. All must be

Marans eggs (or Marans cross for first contest):

Prettiest “Olive-egger” eggs

Most Heavily Speckled

Smallest set (by weight - all 3 egg weights combined)

*Anyone can enter – you need not be an MCCUSA member to enter!
$5 entry fee for each set of 3 eggs entered (eggs will be destroyed
upon end of contest, unless we are otherwise instructed)

PM with any questions, and for more information and a PDF of the entry form.
Eggs must be received by Thursday, October 10 (you may also submit them in person at the show no later than 10 a.m. Saturday).
Thought I'd post a few pics of some of the birds from this year's hatches. I posted in the blue and splash copper and the birchen Marans threads as well. There's plenty more birds, but didn't have time to take pics of them all. They are still maturing and reddening up, but believe all in the older group will be laying soon.

Couple of the younger birds, hatched from the eggs out of Maryland. Mostly held back a handful out of curiosity to see how they develop compared to what I've been working on here.

My own stock

More nice stock from Vicki !
Sure wish you were closer to me, I'd love to get my hands on one or two of you beefy girls !
Nice Job !
I have my first 2 cuckoo marans. One just started laying this past weekend. Her eggs are a disappointing light cream. Could it be that egg is moving too quickly through the bloom stage (the shell is rough and porous) therefore not getting the color? She is a hatchery chick and looks correct otherwise.
Can I get some opinions on gender please? :) these chicks are 6-8 weeks old. I thought it took longer with Marans to tell but some are looking pretty cockerel to me!
3 cockerels 2 pullets?



2 cockerels?

Also, I was told my chicks were splash and blue with one golden cuckoo. Do a few look black or can blue start that dark? Thanks in advance for the input!
Can I get some opinions on gender please? :) these chicks are 6-8 weeks old. I thought it took longer with Marans to tell but some are looking pretty cockerel to me!
3 cockerels 2 pullets?



2 cockerels?

Also, I was told my chicks were splash and blue with one golden cuckoo. Do a few look black or can blue start that dark? Thanks in advance for the input!

the cuckoo in pic one is a roo

the 2 on the right in pic 2 are roos and the 2 on the left in pic 4 are roos. I see a splash a light blue and dark blue. I don't see black.
My 26 week old BCMs have just begun laying. The eggs are small and very dark. However, one hen has been "laying" from her roost, which is about three feet off the floor of the coop. She has laid three perfect, very dark eggs. Then, today, I found a small, thin-shelled egg that was the color of Crayola's "flesh" crayon. Thoughts?

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