Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Please wish my new birds good luck..... Greenfire Farm sent out 2 pair of Juvenile BCM for me Yesterday. The Post Office said I should have them by 2pm tomorrow. I had ordered them awhile ago
, but they are on their way now! I am soo excited!!!!!

By the way to all those who have trouble tracking thier USPS packages.... Call your Post Office and see if they can do it for you, took mine PO about 30 seconds to tell me exactly where my birds where.

Now since it is about 5 degrees here in Vermont and the birds are coming form Florida I will have to set up their new diggs in my DHusbands Blacksmith shop. I am sure DH is sooo excited to share his space with my birds for the next 6wks.

all you Marans Lovers I just bought myself 4 Cuckoo Marans Hens and I would like some responses of how they look. I'm new to this breed and any input would be well received. I haven't had an egg yet from them ( Just got them last night) so I don't know about egg colour yet. I think the girls look a little washed out but I'm comparing to my Barred rock roo so I could be out to lunch
I'm not yet into showing so if they are not up to that standard thats ok but I still want someone to tell me. Good traits and bad let me have it also for the bad if you know of things to look for in a roo to fix them would be very in lighting.

Heres a few picks anyway thank you all



This girl has some gold coloured barring so is she siding on a Gold Cuckoo??

Thank you all for looking and replying
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I also was reading on the MCF that the white fluff on the base of the tail in the wheatons is normal but the white feathers are a defect. Of course this was being read through a translator so hopefully the translation was correct. Thanks for the quotes Pink. I always love hearing what David has to say.

Out of my Cuckoo hatch yesterday I have one yellow and one brown, are these my gold cuckoo's and is this a cockerel and pullet or something else?? I have not been able to find any information about maran chicks on the web other than where marans in general originated. Can someone please enlighten a newbie..


Hummm one looks like a wheaten and the red one I don't know my Cuckoos don't look like that at hatch where did they come from?

Do you have some pictures of your chicks you could share?? I couldn't find anything on the internet.
OK Marans friends...

ON.....Needs your opinion.....AND help!!!

My boy got a touch of frost bite on one point already... (Our region has had record lows for early December of
-24F......... (Not very unusual though in our region.)

They hens seem to be fine and laying well. My coop is high tech and better insulated than most of your homes. (R38 ceiling R26 walls) I have "high tec" roosts with heat shields to retain heat while they are roosting.) The coop has not been lower than mid teens and is dry and ventilated. The birds have 24x7 to the covered run.. I think he got the touch of frost bite in the run during the days at a balmy 0 degrees..

I believe in the standard, because that is how I am... However, I will never show (Maybe the boys will?) But regardless here is my question.......................

I love love love everything about Marans BUT the big combs....... SO what do you think about developing Rose comb Marans????

Honestly what would it take? To maintain all the attributes of Marans without the massive combs.. The birds are cold hardy except for the combs...

I rarely ask but I need your honest opinions...
(I am determined to sell heritage breed) eating eggs from Marans and Ameraucana locally in my harsh climate..)

So What would it take to make a quality Rose comb Marans? (That lays a dark egg of course!)

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