Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!


Brought one of the hens in the house this morning to keep an eye on her. She is weezing a bit (not every breath) and feels thin to me. I have her by her self with sugar water, scrambled eggs with cinnimon and tumeric, and grower feed. She ate the egg right up and is now resting quietly. I think she just needs some time alone to eat with out the other 3 pushing her around. Still no face puffyness so I am optomistic it is just stress.

thanks for asking!

Cool, Peacomb is dominant. So then it should work the same as for rosecomb.
Pink dug this up this thread for me. Look at Poppycats post (#18)
I will most likely play with OE's on this trying to breed out Ameraucana traits..

No one to my knowledge is working on a Rose or Pea comb Marans... Matter of fact I feel I am "pestering" the Marans enthusiasts with my questions on it..

Just one question for those of you who have been raising Marans for some time...................................

DO you ever see much comb size variation? (Like some birds with substantially smaller combs than others?

ON~ I have some girls that have nice little tight compact combs and I have some girls that have a slightly bigger comb but none of them are too large. I don't know why some have little ones and the others don't as a couple that differ have the same parents.

I will tell you that the girls that have the smallest combs are the biggest girls out there, they are also Bill's kids produced from one of my Black Copper Davis hens that had a smaller comb.
I am very anxious to see how these two feather out and wouldn't you know it they are taking there sweet time.

I do have a couple of questions for someone regarding the cuckoo's:

What is the standard beak and leg color??
Does one sex feather in quicker than the other?

the legs should be flesh or pink but some have a black wash on the front when young but it goes away and the beaks on mine are pink or flesh

some lines the girls get tails faster but I never could feather sex them using the wings they should all feather fast slow feathering in Marans is not good

when they are first hatched it looks yellowish but that goes away if it stays yellow again that's not good...

Thank you for the information, very helpful and describes most of my cuckoo's. However I do have two that hatched without the spot on top of their head and I am noticing that as they are feathering in they do not have the white tips like the other cuckoo's, they also have black beaks and not pink/flesh. They are also just a tad smaller in size than the others, any ideas???
I have monster big combs on some of my older girls... And I love em that way... Here in the PNW it isn't as much of a problem...did get some frostbite on a roo but he wasn't dominant at the time and got shoved outside away from the flock...Now that he is the big man on worries and his comb really did grow back mostly...that amazed me...So did his toes and nails... Hershey's didnt (my hen)...She was just a young un in a cage that got wind whipping through the barn one night....

My newest (best pullet), Ghiradelli has laid down some proper chocolate over the weekend...I was worried because she was quite proper looking (as my projects go) and she started out with a 4.... aaackkk... so Pink, I hope your good looking girls can deliver the goods...I expect even greater things this spring... I usually get my best darkies in March/April despite the fact that I keep em under lights through the winter (ya, meanie I know) but I hatch in the winter...nuthin else to do in the dark.
Photos? Just saying and not sharing is teasing!
I bet they are beautiful!!!! Congrats on your Christmas present from your "DH"....sometimes they can be so sweet and surprise us by knowing exactly what we want huh? Like they were paying attention or something.

Sorry Pink, I don't mean to tease. I am computer challenged & don't know how to send pictures or I would have been sending pictures of my birds all along. I hate bothering my daughter or husband to do these things for me so I don't anymore. I was able to get some pictures downloaded but then I'm stuck. I couldn't get them to post so they are still sitting in the uploaded place.That's been weeks & weeks ago. Not that I don't think an old dog can learn new trics. I am learning everyday that I live but I get frustrated & give up.........LOL. I did send an egg to the breeder that sold us my grand daughter's Austrlorps for her 4H project. I find a chicken design to use & painted them solid black with bright red combs. I washed out a empty vegetable can & shipped it in that wrapped with padding. Lets see what the post ofc does with that....LOL I manage to print & pay for mailing labels on the computer so I am not totally brain dead.............LOL
Karen in California

So far egg color is getting better in the best GFF pullet that I have, definately a 5-6 but Charmin's eggs are better. Charmin laid her very first very round egg yesterday and it was finally bigger than a pullet egg. Took her long enough!
My favorite GFF pullet that has the dark eyes...well her egg leaves something to be desired but atleast it has some small speckles on it that gives me hope, but her eggs are soooooooo round I can't figure out which end is up!!!!! She also does not lay that often but since they have just started I will give her more time. I caught 2 more GFF pullets snooping in the boxes yesterday, but the silly buggers jumped right out when I entered the coop.
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ya know Pink, you should enter those in the contests...they are really contest worthy.... You enter the color you are working with... That is an amazing colored egg she lays...Good shape too!!! you would likely get a placing with em.
Photos? Just saying and not sharing is teasing!
I bet they are beautiful!!!! Congrats on your Christmas present from your "DH"....sometimes they can be so sweet and surprise us by knowing exactly what we want huh? Like they were paying attention or something.

Sorry Pink, I don't mean to tease. I am computer challenged & don't know how to send pictures or I would have been sending pictures of my birds all along. I hate bothering my daughter or husband to do these things for me so I don't anymore. I was able to get some pictures downloaded but then I'm stuck. I couldn't get them to post so they are still sitting in the uploaded place.That's been weeks & weeks ago. Not that I don't think an old dog can learn new trics. I am learning everyday that I live but I get frustrated & give up.........LOL. I did send an egg to the breeder that sold us my grand daughter's Austrlorps for her 4H project. I find a chicken design to use & painted them solid black with bright red combs. I washed out a empty vegetable can & shipped it in that wrapped with padding. Lets see what the post ofc does with that....LOL I manage to print & pay for mailing labels on the computer so I am not totally brain dead.............LOL
Karen in California

I know you weren't teasing......I was teasing you!

So now let's get you rollin" and posting photos!!!!

Did you upload them directly to BYC?

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