Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Can someone please pm me when this thread gets racy again? I was having fun reading but the second I hit submit I chased everyone out.

I need another roo. Is there anyone near me who has an nice Davis roo that need some girls? Has to be rather young but old enough to look for love. My girls are older, so he'd have some cougars on his wings. I really need another one. Mine are still in the brooders.
Seems to occur later at night- I usually read it the next morning- have learned not to drink coffee at the same time

Good luck finding a boy! Might need one with a bit of "tude"

Big girl... Nice copper coming in.... Starbuck


Little boy.. Nice prospect


Little girl...


Little boy prospect


Little boy prospect

I lost a little girl... But these are the babies I promised pix of....
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Seems to occur later at night- I usually read it the next morning- have learned not to drink coffee at the same time

It is those dang WEST COAST people. . . . . When they finally finish dinner and "honey dos", then the party starts rocking.
Debbi isn't on the West Coast, but she sure keeps hours with them

Throw Mountain Mel in the MIX and WATCH OUT moderators. . . . . . .

And to think the folks on the other threads think we are NO FUN ! ! ! ! !
I wanted to see what you guys thought, I posted this on the BCM thread.

I first noticed it when I took the cockerel ( Henry ) out and she froze in the middle of the run. She stood there calling out to him trying to find out where to go
She seems to really depend on him. She always seems to have her head tilted with her right eye looking up and her left eye facing the ground. I keep the food and water in one spot to make it easier for her. Tonight I took the food dish out to refill it and as I walked by she caught on that I had it. She ran over to where I keep it and was waiting for it, so I tried moving in to the other side. She had no clue where it was until Henry called her over. I also noticed when she tries to peck and something, say a piece of scrambled egg. It takes her a couple try's to actually grab it. When I talked to youngbiddy I was telling her there was a grass hopper that came into the run and while the chicks ran over trying to catch it she just stood there with no clue of what the deal was. I have looked at her eyes and they seem fine. They are not cloudy or anything from what I can tell. I am going to try and get some pictures of her eyes tomorrow, and hopefully a video of her as well.



Seems to occur later at night- I usually read it the next morning- have learned not to drink coffee at the same time

It is those dang WEST COAST people. . . . . When they finally finish dinner and "honey dos", then the party starts rocking.
Debbi isn't on the West Coast, but she sure keeps hours with them

Throw Mountain Mel in the MIX and WATCH OUT moderators. . . . . . .

And to think the folks on the other threads think we are NO FUN ! ! ! ! !


I resemble that remark.

I don't sleep much anyway. Always seem to be in here all night.

Going to stay here till I find another roo too.

OK might have to feed kids so I have time to be here, but then!
IF you hadn't said Davis... I would have a spare here... SRYY ... good luck finding one... Ya us west coaster do know how to "hang ten"... it is all the oxygen here from the greenery.. kinda goes to yer head!!!!

I can't explain Debbi.. Isnt she the $$$tuff!!! LOL...

I am kinda partial to rooster number two... the one with the long head... The girls are long enough in the back, but super good eye.. I will see what will color out the best... Funny.. Deb gets white babies and they are all too dark and I get these and they are full of color.. go figure...


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I love the last boy geebs, he has a beautiful chest and back. Nice stance. The big girl- Starbuck- she's a beauty.
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