Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

I have a safeway in my backyard... is that sustainability???

Aye... all you need now is your own windmill... I think it would work up there too... maybe a couple solar panels... you would be set..
He is still doing some major limping AND resting. He does look like he is trying to use it more and put more weight on it than he was Tues and Wed. He doesn't look any worse. I am guessing it will take a while to heal, judging by how made he was limping and refusing to use it the first couple of days.
I am humbled by the outpouring of kindness, love, and support shown here on BYC.

I have just returned from the doctor and much to my dissappointment, I do not have a terminal illness
but suffer from conditions that he feels can be relieved through proper and continued medication. So, unfortunately, I may just survive this entire ordeal and live to laugh about it.
Again, thanks to all for your kind words and supportive postings.

Thanks y'all I am trying not to think of Bella today. I am keeping busy with errands and stuff. She has a few daughters around that look like her and one is really looking like her. I hope they lay as dark...

Math do you grow your own blueberries or did you buy some?

Seabreeze I love the looks of both of your bircheny dudes!!

Gallivina: Speaking of know that little black one that I've been thinking was gonna be a roo? I took it in the sun yesterday and it looks kinda girly- like it has some silvery birchen lacing around its neck front kinda like the black birchen females get (along with the gold leakage/mossiness lol). The two blues still are looking the same solid blue but the male is a darker blue than the blue female. Yes I've got to get new pics!!

Ivywoods ((HUGS)) so sorry about your daughter
Nope we have a fairly clay soil but I had some crazy compost along with sand delivered. The beets, onions, parsnips, leeks and carrots all like little to no food and a heavy sand so I ammended their section with 3yards of sand and little to no compost

My plot is 145' x 30'

And yeah gilavina I think our gardens sound almost identical! I forgot aobut the kholrabi and sprouts and I won't even go into the soft fruits
...... aronia, beautyberry, white, red and black currants, raspberries, salmon berries, blueberries, strawberries and yeah few fruit trees! That's a different garden for me though.

I wish I could snag enough space around the place tho have a garden that big, but I use raised beds so I can really pack things in there haha. What are the kinds of potatoes you are growing. I tell myself every year I am going to try more varieties and then I see the price tags on some of the ones I want to try and go into sticker shock and then quickly move back to the ones I can readily get at a cheap price.

I'm still working on building up my orchard. Last year I lost an apple tree that was about 30 years old. It was completely ripped out about 2 feet below ground by some really severe winds last fall. So I've got 3 apple old and two new, and other trees such as pears, peaches, plums, cherries, etc...the bushes and cane crops I'm still developing. I've got gooseberries, blackberries, grapes, blueberries, cranberries....and am eyeing some others that I have to prepare spaces for...the "orchard" is on the south side of the house in a microclimate and it does extremely well. I also keep my small greenhouse down there which I keep pretty full all year long. Which berry is your favorite and just couldn't live without?

and by the way...was it you that I saw on here that had salmon Marans...? either eggs or chicks? or something like that? I've had a dickens of a time getting my hands on any reliable resource for silver salmons....yarg
Use WHATEVER works! I don't get broodies. .. sure wish I did!

MAN, I love that second roo.. . . and I don't like BLUE . .. . BUT I do like You Know Who - -- The SECOND ROO!

Here is the parts to the mouse bait station. The three pieces are 6" just glue this with pvc glue, do not glue the cap as you will want to ad bait ever so often. Put these on a mouse trail around the inside of the pens. Usually a 2"x4" or 2"x6"
Thanks Geebs, will give the peppermint a try!

FlGirl, OHHH I LOVE LOVE LOVE blueberry jam!! Are they they big blueberries or the smaller ones, like Maine blueberries?

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