Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

This last summer one of my birds was laying an egg that was totally covered in pinhead size spots! Someone posted a pic of one just like it a few-hundred pages back...the other speckled eggs I have gotten were more like Welsummer eggs....random spots of random size with no special pattern. But that one, completely covered with all the same size pinhead spots, was bizarre!
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Watch out for that Aceschix woman........

I met her this past spring.......

bought a few chicks form her
, (not her stock)

she's really nice!

I love her old house too! Plus she likes tractors.....

Maybe when I am ready for birchens I will have to visit again.

Found One!
In this pic the egg on the right is covered with little tiny spots. This hen layed the same egg all summer. The other 2 eggs are also from my blue copper or black copper birds, and show the Welsummer-type terra cotta spots.
( I sure hope these picture turn out...Stoo showed me how to use a camera!)

103694_the_flock_007.jpg that I can see it...the little spots are much more prominent in real life. You can barely see them here...also, in my own defense, these pics were taken inside with artifical light and the eggs were darker than they appear. No way on par with Pinkchicks or some of the others that we drool
over, but about a #5... ( in my dreams, you say?) lol
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I do want to state here and now that because some of my birds carry undesireable traits, I never sell hatching eggs. However, my "eatin' egg" customers LOVE
the speckeled eggs and even use them (after having blown them) for decorations.
But as "chunky" as the insides of these eggs are I can't imagine trying to "blow" one. Maybe there is a secret that I don't know about.
Does anyone know a secret? Maybe it's "Suck, Don't Blow" regardless of the terminology?
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Pretty eggs!

In the words of my good friend, Elvis..."Thank-You, Thank-You Very Much!"
flgardengirl...the only thing I drool over more than your avatar egg is the pics I have seen of your garden!

I am "hatching an idea" to make a journey across the U.S. during the late summer of 2013 and spend one day at each of the many regular friends I have come to meet here on BYC. I would like to go down the West Coast to So Cal, then thru the SouthWest..over to the N.E. corner for Lobster from Maine (doesn't someone named Steve live there?) and then down the East Coast to Florida. (I have a good friend who lives dead-center of the state, is VERY wealthy & collects Corvettes...), my return trip would take me thru the mid-west so that I might get a chance at an early season archery hunt with BYC folks ( Ivywoods) in Iowa, Nebraska, etc... then back home to Washington State!
Wadda' Ya' Think?
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A small, slender wire placed into the egg and used like a miniblender. That and a small aquarium pump with a really long hypodermic needle for the blowing helps a lot.
A small, slender wire placed into the egg and used like a miniblender. That and a small aquarium pump with a really long hypodermic needle for the blowing helps a lot.

Ahhhh...never thought of the syrenge. I have some large volume units for vaccinating cattle! I have always tried to live by the motto.."Work Smarter - Not Harder" and your tips fall right in line with that ideal. Thanks!
thumbsup.gif are from Red that Arizona? Got any Elk hunting there?
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I think that is the egg I saw a hundred & some pages ago! I thought, "Shoot, I have a bird that lays eggs just like that, only mine are darker" It never dawned on me that I had a bird that was laying darker eggs than flgardengirl...OMG!
That is exactly how my eggs look in natural light, only the base color is darker. ( a little bit)
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