Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Quote: You can come visit me.... they are all over the place.....

Sorry you didn't have a good hatch
I hate to have to cull a chick or find one dead. They was probably why he was chirping so much. Just not meant to be.
Still not caught up, but saw the baby goatie!! Oh My GOODNESS!! How very precious!

Rough day today, even though I worked my butt off, and got together a half decent brooder pen/run in record time, it wasn't quick enough -found a dead chick in the coop. We moved Popcorn into her new space with a Leghorn cross and a few unhatched eggs, one zipped and one pipped ~both Marans. Not the best time for moving, but I don't want any more casualties.

Katelyn, I am in over my head with the piggies. The feeder we have is not right, now that they are bigger they knock it over. DH bungee'd it to the side of the pen and wouldn't you know, one of the pigs got the hook to one of the bungee cords stuck THROUGH her cheek! I mean, Come On! DS came running in freaking out. She was attached to the cord and ripping her cheek, bleeding everywhere (like a stuck pig?)

I did take a few moments sitting in the coop, watching Popcorn with her baby and marveling at life.
Last edited: more baby chick. Looks to have not developed right internally as I just checked on him a couple minutes ago and looks like he hemorraged out. Never had a chick do that before. This has been a truly bumming experience. I will try again, not to worry, but I do get affected when there is a bad hatch.
Oh what a bummer. So sorry!
Well it was 109 today and my Mr Splish gave it up and went over the rainbow bridge so I lost my Splash rooster and I won't get to cross his daughters back but I have 6 or 7 of his sons all full brothers and I'll gather up all the eggs for the next 3 weeks or so hopefully when it cools down I can put the best son in the pen. Bad thing thing is it's supposed to be 115 tomorrow and I already lost my Wheaten rooster last time it was 113 I have 2 of those left a blue and an over melanized one with too much white in his wings but oh well I hope they make it. I just have to remember the ones left are the tough ones......
Well it was 109 today and my Mr Splish gave it up and went over the rainbow bridge so I lost my Splash rooster and I won't get to cross his daughters back but I have 6 or 7 of his sons all full brothers and I'll gather up all the eggs for the next 3 weeks or so hopefully when it cools down I can put the best son in the pen. Bad thing thing is it's supposed to be 115 tomorrow and I already lost my Wheaten rooster last time it was 113 I have 2 of those left a blue and an over melanized one with too much white in his wings but oh well I hope they make it. I just have to remember the ones left are the tough ones......

Sorry to hear this :( hope the rest of your chickens stay cool. This weather has been extra hot this summer so far.
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