Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

I don't think it's common but there was someone else on the MCCUSA board talking about rumpless Marans so apparently it does happen.
The Book by Morley Jull explains the Rumpless Chickens starts on page #215 Poultry Breeding by Morley Jull. I believe this Book can also be viewed on the internet. There are three types of Rumpless in chickens and this with your male is no heredity and you could if you wanted breed him to a hen with a tail and get good young.

This is a good poultry book to own. sells very cheap on abe books.
Who was it who thaught my chick was a boy when i asked a while ago? well you were right, he is a little Cuckoo Maran boy :)
Okay so I have a FBCM who was a little bit of a mix up and isnt completly up to the SOP so she was given to me. She has never really had the normal feathering on the feet as marans normally have and only had stubbles of feathers. Today whe I was inspecting them I found blood coming through one of the stubbles.. SHe has never had "nice" feet and they are sort of misformed. IS there a moisture problem? Any Ideas on what I should do??
I picked up a copy of this book on your recommendation. I will look up your reference ....
Well its the end of day 19 of my test batch and I have a very small pip. I may wake up to a little one. I started out with 17 eggs and Im down to 10. Im looking forward to see how they would turn out, and Im in need of Black Coppers. Here is to hoping that most of the rest hatch and they are all pullets!

Well so far I have 2 Black Copper chicks out right now. One has 2 microscopic feathers on the middle toe errrrr. So unless the feather fairy comes back and takes the feathers that she wasnt suppose to put on the toe, I already have a cull!!! i dont know where the heck those came from. A good majority of the eggs came from birds that were needy in the leg feathering dept. None of them have middle toe feathering either. Oh well thats Marans for you! I NEED MORE FLUFFY PENGUINS!

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