Marans Thread for Posting Pics of Your Eggs, Chicks and Chickens

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15 out of 33 of my eggs have hatched so far out of a mixed flock of french blue splash marans and black copper marans. Here is a pic of some of my flock.


Here are some of the 15 I put in the brooder.




Ok I know for sure that my 1st batch of 3 is all roo’s--- 2 all blacks but 1 is starting with a little cooper starting to show thru the black and the 3rd look like a good black copper Marans maybe not show quality but a good coloring male . as I post all 3 early in this post . anyway I had 4 more hatch out and seems to me as of now I looking at 3 females and one male there only 3-4 weeks old but looks a lot different from the first batch which where male , by the early pic’s that I have .So we will just have to wait and see.

But My Question is this what do you do with the more solid Black Copper Marans Roo’s , what do you use them for, breeding or just cult them .

Thanks alan
Wait are you judging their coppering by 3-4 weeks of age? Because that is awfully early.. . Mine are 8 weeks old and just starting to to get coppering on their necks.

But if they're actually much older, solid blacks are often culled or can be used for Olive Eggers. I have a mossy cockerel right now that I'm keeping for Olive Egger production.
No the 1st 3 where born MMMMMMM Not sure but have to be about 8 weeks or so I'll have to check , I posted a pic of the 3 Bk. Coppers - 2 are solid blacks and 1 copper , the other 4 are just about 4 weeks old to soon to tell what color but as for the looks seems to be 1 roo to 3 hens
can be used for Olive Eggers

ok whats the different in Olivers Eggers and Easter Eggers ...and I guessing ther just pure breed Mutts​
ok whats the different in Olivers Eggers and Easter Eggers ...and I guessing ther just pure breed Mutts

Easter Eggers are mutts, Olive Eggers are mutts with the specific parentage of a dark brown egg layer like a Marans and a blue or green layer like an Easter Egger or Ameraucana. . . Or in my proposed case, an Araucana.

As for your solid blacks - You have no worries yet. I have a solid black or two, and the only reason they look like that is late maturing - They still have time left to fill out their coppering. In fact if you take a flash photo of them you may just see the coppering starting to come through - I know I did.

Some say that you can use a black roo (a roo showing too little copper) over an overly red hen to help correct the color in the offspring.

Don't be so quick to pull that boy out as they can take months to show their copper. I've had birds that take 5-9 mos to show copper and have had birds that have taken almost no time at all. Give him some more time as he is pretty young.

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This was my first hatch in The Octagon 20 Advance . It has a automatic humidity controll. One of those set it and forget it things.

BUT... turns out the temp was running lower than it actually read so I didnt have such a good hatch rate. I will test and calibrate for the next time and I should do alot better.

my black copper pullet has just started to lay. She is featherless on her legs, but I am confident she is a bc. I have a young rooster that is the feather legged kind and he is really a nice looking bird and I plan to us him as my breeder. My concern is the pullets eggs are not very dark. About a 2-3 on the color chart. Does anyone know if this is permanant or can the color improve in time. I have some feather legged bc pullets ordered from a friend. We are actually trading. I get a couple of the bc marans and give him a couple of welsummers.
Yes, the first few eggs may not show the full potential. Her "paint sprayer" may not be fully functional yet. So don't give up yet! Besides, they will be the best tasting eggs you have ever eaten even if they are light!
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