Marans Thread for Posting Pics of Your Eggs, Chicks and Chickens

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It was sold to me as a pullet so hmmph..
In marans there are some lines that you can get an idea of whether it is male or female... But in some lines the first clue is the roosters voice and the pullet's egg. It can take up to 9 months for some of these lines to mature... If someone sold it so you as a pullet... they may have had reason (in that they are familiar with their particular line) but in my experience I don't even try to age them until there is a definite comb.
Lolita to me there is not enough of a comb to make a distinction...It can still go either way... A clue however is the size of the feet... for this you need a comparison model.. If this bird's feet is considerably larger than it's hatchmate well then I would lean toward rooster....If it doesn't...I would make no assumption...I have been wrong out to 7 months thinking I had a rooster only to have a hen... Sometimes they marans can have a large comb on the hen as well. Just by the picture I wouldn't venture a guess... I hope it is a Pullet!!!


Kathinmo and I did a guess and by golly and I am not sure how we rated on this, but I gave it my best guesses and I believe I was wrong alot!!! ha ha
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This is the bird in question... This is a Bird from Jesse Bryant's flock. It matured sooo late... I almost culled it... I thought it was a roo for months... and decided to let it feather out and consider it for a breeder because the eye color was good... I was tempted over and over to give up on it for a better looking rooster.. That would have been a big mistake.. the egg color is phenominal.

Please excuse the condition of the hen... It was raining for the last 2 weeks and she is wet and has rooster tracks....but you get the idea... She still looks like she should have turned out to be a roo... the long neck and big feet... and the gray in the face.. I have a couple hens with very long wattles also...and BIG combs.. really big...
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oh my goodness.. they look soooo fluffy... How adorable... Nice pic!!!!
Oh she is lovely
is the eye color the same all along or does it change as they grow?
Eye color does change, however that is her eye color.. yep she isn't perfect... If you seen my earlier post you will note that the rooster I am using has nice pumpkin (red-orange) eyes. I am hoping to select babies that are bettering the hens they came from. We shall see... they are still pretty young.
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