

In the Brooder
May 30, 2016
ok this is gonna take a while. 3 "marans" were given to me but im not sure if they are marans because 1 lays a number 2 egg and one lays a white egg. the roo isnt as dark as a marans would be and the brown egg hen has yellow feet i heard marans weren't supposed to have that. we incubated 4 babies from them and the babies all have yellow feet and 1 egg came from the same guy that gave me these birds we are talking about the egg was atleast a 7 from his birds he owns.but the baby that came from the dark egg looked the same but now has little red lines going across his back and across his wings he has black feet so is he still a marans because of the the lacing? 1 of the hens the man gave me has red feathers going down her neck she kinda looks like a mostly black sex link. they all of them look like a rir aussie cross i just looked it up. can any of you help?
Hello muddywaterducks! I myself can not help you, but I am sure there are people that can. If you want a experienced answer I would suggest posting this to our What Breed Or Gender Is This? forum there you would get a better answer. I am so sorry I couldnt help you :( I hope you find out about your chickens and I wish you the best of luck!
welcome to Backyard chickens. I'm sorry I don't know much about the breed. You might try posting on the Marans breed thread.
- other members have been very helpful already, so i will just say hi


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