March 13th 2016 Hatch-A-long

Ok thanks. I go to 70 percent then and remove turning trays,, right? My dad and I hatched when I was a teen. Dad died 3 yrs ago..he knew so much! So im trying to find info on the net now,, its SO site said 60 on humidity was perfect and 100 deg...another said 45 to 50,, let alone the different opinions on lockdown numbers, lol
Most people call Day 18 = lockdown. Up the humidity & stop turning eggs. (Pretend the incubator is locked. Don't open it or you'll loose that precious humidity.)

The temp depends on type of incubator (still air or circulated air =has fan) While the humidity changes on day 18, the temp should stay the same. Some people use a technique to reduce the temp by .5 degree as the eggs near hatch, but learning the basics is important before making adjustments.

There's a BYC article hatching eggs 101 that has a lot of great info.
Hi Everyone,
Can I join?

I just set 35 eggs. 10 Lavander Orpingtons, 12 Easter eggers, 13 back yard mixed. I can't wait to see what I get.
Welcome. Of course you can hatch along. The hatch dates may be diff. but the process is the same. There's another thread called the Easter hatch along, but I just couldn't wait until now to set my eggs.

Looks like you may be getting some beautiful chicks in your incubator on Easter morning.
I had meant to follow along and post about my hatch. Somehow time got away from me.

I had 29 chicks hatch. One poor little fella didn't make it. Most of the other chicks are sold already. Now I'm wondering if I should put more in the incubator

Some of my naked necks. The one in the front is screaming "Put me back under the heat lamp!"
I had meant to follow along and post about my hatch. Somehow time got away from me.

I had 29 chicks hatch. One poor little fella didn't make it. Most of the other chicks are sold already. Now I'm wondering if I should put more in the incubator

Some of my naked necks. The one in the front is screaming "Put me back under the heat lamp!"
Adorable! I have a NN pair, hens a double gene and Roo is single. Just set eggs yesterday. Congrats on the babies
Congrats on the babies!! I can't wait. I can see them going crazy in these white eggs. It's awesome.
I'm getting so excited seeing all these chicks! Tonight we will candle for day 7/8 and see what we can see.
So I figured out why I wasn't getting very many eggs a day.

Apparently I have a broody hen again. Guess I'll go ahead and let her see what she can hatch. I'm not so sure there aren't some guinea eggs in there. The problem is I have buff orpington and barred rock hen under a mottled houdan rooster. Guess they could be cute.
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