March 2023 hatch-a-long

One of my Pavlovskaya chicks have pipped and I have duckling zipping, she really just needs to push herself out. Well the duckling isn’t one of mine, but 2 of mine are pipped. I’m really curious what color Call this one is. Anyone of these guys I hatch will help my friend out and that is pretty exciting to me.


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Yes, there’s always a couple that are a day or two early, and I always let the stragglers go for an extra day. I think I had one guy on day 23 so I try to give it time. I have to wonder if this is due to inconsistent temps or something else I could address.

My toddler woke me up about 10 minutes ago and all I could hear was chirping! First baby is out from the first pip from yesterday. I only have two additional pips aside from that so far, but I can’t see into the mesh bags very well so it’s possible there’s action I’m missing. Jeeze, this little one is chirping up a storm that’s heard across the whole house! Hopefully someone joins her soon! (Looks girl to me at first glance.)
Congrats!!!!!!!! I was woken up at some point during the night (didn't get up this time since I had to be up way too early) with super loud chirps as 2 more joined the 2 that were already in there. LOL

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