March 2023 hatch-a-long


The green eggs some look fertile, I am wondering if the eggs to the right has a rooster. I know they had only one a couple of years ago, and many hens. I am still hopeful, but as a test, I opened the far right white egg and one tan one. Both not fertile. Not all the green ones look fertile, some do. I will keep an eye on the rest. My eggs were not fertile either. (gray one to the front.)

Day 18 and lockdown for the four remaining chicken eggs has begun! We candles again for day 18 and got rid of one which wasn’t moving and hadn’t developed since day 14. We did open it up and it looked like the poor little thing had quit about day 14 or 15, no idea why. So crossing fingers and toes for the remaining 4!

The five Guinea eggs should start lock down on Friday, so I’m still quickly ducking in to turn them twice a day - it’s very hot and humid here currently so I don’t think those few seconds should have an affect (hoping…).

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