March 2023 hatch-a-long

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Day 18 and lockdown for the four remaining chicken eggs has begun! We candles again for day 18 and got rid of one which wasn’t moving and hadn’t developed since day 14. We did open it up and it looked like the poor little thing had quit about day 14 or 15, no idea why. So crossing fingers and toes for the remaining 4!

The five Guinea eggs should start lock down on Friday, so I’m still quickly ducking in to turn them twice a day - it’s very hot and humid here currently so I don’t think those few seconds should have an affect (hoping…).
I have read that having warm water and spray the incubator….like empty space will help keep the humidity up. If you need it that is.
I got 2 chicks trying to hatch already. Tomorrow night would be day 21...
I’m loving everybody’s chick pics and updates!

I have 86 eggs on day 7 98 on day 1. I’ve candled a few from the first batch and they seem to be chugging along but I haven’t been thorough about it.
The automatic humidity system I rigged up with a plant mister pump and inkbird humidistat seems to be working great so far 😀View attachment 3418709
86 eggs? Do you want that many chicks? It seems like a lot, but good fortune with your hatching!
Day 2 the green eggs from grocery store, but from a local farm. I had good luck in the past.


I candled, maybe just a couple with out a love far.

My health food store eggs from another local farm were not fertile.:hit I had good luck with them in the past, when they had 3 roosters. I think they don't have roosters any longer. I was sad about it because the eggs were pretty. What I am glad about is since I am hand turning 12 is a better number-get in get out.
Day 2 the green eggs from grocery store, but from a local farm. I had good luck in the past.

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I candled, maybe just a couple with out a love far.
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My health food store eggs from another local farm were not fertile.:hit I had good luck with them in the past, when they had 3 roosters. I think they don't have roosters any longer. I was sad about it because the eggs were pretty. What I am glad about is since I am hand turning 12 is a better number-get in get out.
They are pretty, sorry about the fertility
I’m excited to do my first candling tonight! (Day 4). I can’t wait to see how they’re doing (and I’m also nervous as I don’t expect high fertility).

Any advice for a first timer? The last time I candled it was only 6 eggs under a broody, and we only checked for development. This go-round I have 26 eggs and am planning to also weigh them and mark air sacks. I’m going to do it in the bathroom with the baseboard heater on and steam. I’m open to any advice (unless you’re going to tell me to wait longer to candle- I’ve already pushed it back a day from my original plan of Day 3. That was all the patience I could muster, lol!)

Also, last time we used a flashlight and that worked well. (We did drop an egg but caught it- no issues). This time we’re going to try the candling light on the NR360, but keep the flashlights for backup. I’m contemplating sitting on the floor on a towel or blanket in case we get butterfingers.
86 eggs? Do you want that many chicks? It seems like a lot, but good fortune with your hatching!
Thank you! None of this batch are keepers for me. They are going to two different farms. I’ll be hatching a few for myself later on in the season. Waiting on my Minorca rooster to mature a bit so I can hatch some of his babies.

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