March 2023 hatch-a-long

Ugh, two hours after reading what I was behind on here, there’s been a lot of activity! I candled tonight, removed two clears out of 22 set. A couple were iffy because of the color of the egg not allowing me a clear view, but saw some real active babies 🐣

I had a broody hatch nine Friday and Saturday, and threw the two she left in the nest into the bator, expecting them to hatch. These green and blue eggs are HARD to see into!
I lost power yesterday due to fires. My home survived but I'm wondering if my incubating eggs could've survived after a couple hours with no power. I'm in Naples, FL so it's very warm and humid. I don't think they were without power for more than 2-3 hours but I'm not sure. Do y'all think they can make it? I'm going to candle tomorrow but figured I'd ask anyway.
I finally got to candle the eggs last night. It looks like they survived the power outage. Most of my eggs are too dark to see anything but 3 of my 4 bantams are still alive and moving. I can't see in the 6 Olive eggers, or any of the BCM's. A few of the legbars I can see veins are still there but the rest have always been to dark to see through. Nothing smells yet and lock down is Wednesday.
Got up to four chicks so far. And most of the other eggs are pipping!

So far, we have:
Chipmunk bantam, clean legged, straight comb, four toes.
Yellow Standard, semi-clean legged, can't tell comb but think it's straight, four toes.
Yellow Standard, feathered legs, straight comb, four toes.
Yellow Standard, clean legged, straight comb, five toes.

I don't think the RIR got to these hens, lol! Which is fine, I'd rather they be Dorking mixes.

We'll see with the next ones hatching.
We have lots of pips and one surprise day 20 hatcher!

Idk what it is, might just be a white leghorn. white egg, yellow legs, yellow down, single comb 🤷‍♀️ they weren’t on the breeder’s list but you never know. It could have been one of the two freebies. I have two lovely naked-necks i got as freebies from a Bresse breeder and those weren’t listed either lol


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