March 21 CHICKEN SWAP TSC MILFORD NH ( recycled post with new date)

I am going to Westford too, so I am also hoping for good weather.
I am selling some gorgeous black copper marans cockerals (5 months old) I have too many to keep.
I am also going to sell my blue orpington rooster. I have 2 and really don't need both but I think they are both so nice I don't know which one will go, but one will.
They are the most gorgeous blue color,Miss. Prissy's stock.
Last but not least I have an easter egger cockeral, actually Chickn one of the l2 ittle easter eggers I bought from you at the swap in milford this past fall turned out to be a roo.
Its a cream color with black and brown, very pretty but unfortunately a boy. The other is a girl so at least on that I got turned out to be a pullet.
I also have a couple of golden cuckoo chicks to sell. Possibly the cutest little chicks I have ever seen.
They have such pretty mottled like color, brown and yellow all over.
So no matter the weather I will be there Sunday.
If my hatch goes well I will also have some pure ameraucanas, just not sure if the hatch will be finished by then.
If it is and I bring some, whoever buys them would have to be able to take them home right after purchase or keep them in a running car with the heat on, since I will be keeping them in the car with the heat during the swap and I do not want someone hanging out in the parking lot with them while they freeze.
If the hatch isn't done, ( I am confused on my dates for some reason) then I will bring any extras to either Milford or the next Westford swap.
If anyone is interested in any of these and will be at the swap you can e-mail me and let me know if you want me to hold any.
I do have one of my black copper roosters sold already to someone here at byc.
They are 5 months old and they are already doing their job, if ya know what I mean.
I bought them from Jesse Bryant on this forum and they are the Wade Jeanne Line.

Have you planned the date for the April Swap yet?? It'd be REALLY cool if it were the weekend of the 25th/26th..... I don't have to work that weekend!!!!

Edited to add:: I correspond with a woman in another part of Maine who does a LOT of crafts, sewing, etc. I bet I could convince her to come and set up shop there with her crafts, aprons, and homemade goodies!!!
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There is a chicken swap on the first sunday of every month at the Westford sportsmen's center in Westford Mass.
Its held by the Northeastern Aviacultural Society.
Anyone can buy but you have to be a member to sell.
April 26th sound good for everyone?
by all means the more the merrier. If we can get more venders we can be more huge than last swap

Which btw made projected sales by Noon time and doubled projection by 2 pm when the storm started coming in.
A huge Thank You to all who came and made it such a huge success !!!!!
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i noticed that there was not as many crafters, i think the storm that was approaching was an issue, but there still was a lot of people there.

anyone ordering chicks??
hi all, I have an offer if anyone is interested. I am getting chicks from ideal at the end of april. I will add chicks to my order for the actual cost plus one dollar per chick. the actual cost is the price in the catalog plus any fees and shipping they add. My ship date is april 22. pm me with any questions.
oh chick magnet, i am sooo in, a birthday gift to myself!!

now if i can keep tony quiet about this until the swap when i pick them up!!!
gypsy, i didnt go to westford today, but dh did and he brought the white polish pullet, wanted me to try and contact you because someone wants to buy it, i told him to wait for you, i hope you are on your way. he hates when i save

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