MARCH HATCH-A-LONG come join in

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Candled again today (why, yes, it is addictive!), and I saw little tiny toes right up near the eggshell!
Cutest little sight!

It's looking like there might be only three good eggs now, though--egg #5 is 100% no good, and egg #3...there's something not right there. No movement, can't see much in the way of veining... I suspect it may be a quitter. I'm going to leave it in just in case, but not expecting the best for that one. I'll be perfectly happy to get two or three chicks, though. I'm hoping!

Egg #1 is my favorite--it was the one that looked like it was waving at me yesterday, and today it had its little toes up there. C'mon, egg #1! I want to get to know you without the eggshell barrier!
Sometimes. Tomorrow when you put that last chick into the brooder, candle the others to look for movement. The one that's pipped, if it's still alive and not making progress, do the same for it as you did for the last one, since it was pipped before, it might've dried out and be shrink wrapped too...glad the 8th chick is doing well!!

Somehow I messed up the dates according to the chart; I am supposed to be in lockdown today. So I removed the auto turner & added the eggs to the carton and upped humidity. But how I missed up still has me confused. I set on the 14th Valentine’s Day before noon, so why does lockdown start now? I thought it was supposed to start on the 5th, but the chart says the 4th? I don’t think 24 hours sitting still should make much difference in the hatch. I will recheck the humidity in a little while as I filled both water wells and I am unsure if it will raise enough without closing the front vent.
Pandora: You will be just fine, it looks like your eggs are going to turn into lots of chick-a-dees.

Cloverleaf: Thanks for the words of encouragement. The 8th one is hilarious, it kicked the rest of the way out on its own, fluffed, and found where its egg had been in the carton. When I woke up this morning it was balled up in there just snoozing away. It had some blood on the inner shell and a little blood spot on its tummy when it came out so I think it just needs some rest time and may have pipped earlier than it was supposed to. But it sure was ready to get out once I gave it a few chips of eggshell start.

And also, what feels a little like a miracle to me, that one that had the tiny pip began pipping more after I took the other fluffied out/helped out the silly one. I had refilled the reservoirs and locked down again. It has gotten as far as its buddy did with her big pip. I am giving her another 8 or so hours to do it on her own before I give a couple of chips eggshell help. This time I know there is a good amount of humidity in there. After it fluffs (cross fingers) I will candle the rest. That last part kind of scares me, opening up the eggs to discover unborn chicks. oh well, i am feeling the anxiety gone and watching the antics of the 7 in the brooder and feeling like 8 and 9 are bonuses. If I get 9/12 on lockdown I will be very pleased. I already am very pleased. More photos to come.
Day 18 Lockdown. Down to 27 eggs. Discarded 5 clear eggs last night.

Shipped eggs:
10 blue and black CMs
5 black ameraucanas
2 Lavender ameraucanas

10 fresh eggs from my flock

We are nearing the end of day 20 with the cardboard box incubator and this is the first arrival. I love watching that first new chick, struggling through all the eggs, pecking at them as if to say " in there, come on out and play". I will post more as they arrive.
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