MARCH HATCH-A-LONG come join in

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I'm sorry, but I've never hatched ducks so I have no idea what you should be doing. Hopefully, someone with experience in ducks will be along shortly to help you.
Wishing you a good hatch.
To Oregon...

I have candled the big air sac and one of the majority today and yesterday... naive but I was hoping for a miracle... the big air sac is not what i would have expected... it is just like a blunt spike... best way i can describe it... i have bumped the temperature up and only have a drop of water in... so will keep you informed and hopefully in 10 days can post pictures of 5 little ducklings... im excited!!
Thank You Save the favs... that one is the lil bantam I'm keeping
Theres acouple others I think I'm gonna keep too........... I really love them all!
Only 10 days to go, how exciting! I just did a search on hatching duck eggs in the Search box in the upper right of the pages here on the BYC. Here's a site with not too much info but post #15 on page 2 said a little something about humidity & temps, also somewhere on that thread was a pic of duckies in a tub, cute. Best wishes
Just got done candling on my 18th day before lockdown and everything looked good to go 'cept 1 its a big big egg, its dark but not completely dark like the rest but I left it in there just for good measure and to give everbody a fightin' chance. Anyway things are cetainly looking alot better this round, so wish me luck for a good hatch here in about 3 days.

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cmdl123- Congratulations on your new Chicks, and good luck with the others, happy hatching.
equine chick-good luck and Happy hatching.
catdaddyfro-good luck and Happy hatching.

~Good Hatching Vibes~
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