March hatch along

Candled for the day. Everything that IS developing, looks fantastic. I did remove two definite duds, and still have five to remove yet but decided to be UBER-hopeful and leve them yet another day. ;)

Today is day 9. Here is one of my barnyard mix eggs that had the red ring in it. Fascinating! You can see the eyes had already developed, but not much more.


Also broke open one of the Brahma eggs, which appears never to have been fertile in the first place:

I feel that will likely be the case with the remaining five clear Brahmas. At least I got two good ones out of the bunch. :/

And just to offset the bad pics, here's one very cute little Silkie baby, which is just-a-swimming around in there. :)

Candled for the day. Everything that IS developing, looks fantastic. I did remove two definite duds, and still have five to remove yet but decided to be UBER-hopeful and leve them yet another day.

Today is day 9. Here is one of my barnyard mix eggs that had the red ring in it. Fascinating! You can see the eyes had already developed, but not much more.

That's interesting. I think this may be the first blood ring pic I've seen. I never do the eggtopsy on mine. If I deem them bad I just launch them off the back porch.
Haha. That'll likely be the case with the others, but I just had to see what was up in tht ring (could see the black dot square in the middle), and was so curious if the Brahma eggs were ever fertile at all.
104* temp spike for about 3 hours, maybe a little less? I've got it back down now. Ugh.

(Still air, top of eggs)
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104* temp spike for about 3 hours, maybe a little less? I've got it back down now. Ugh.

(Still air, top of eggs)

Ugh! I know how bad temp spikes can get you stressed. All you can do is just give it a while and check them out again, see if they are still moving. My first build was a water heater thermo and I had a fan in there, but my thermo was too far away from my light bulb. My temp swings were pretty extreme. I got it dialed in to where it was rise to 104 and then fall to 96. It cycled like that constantly. I worried and worried over it, and finally decided that it would average out about where it needed to be. I let it run like that and hatched 4/5 on my test run, and the one that didn't hatch formed, but drowned in the shell at internal pip because I kept humidity to high. And my second run I hatched 95% on 2 dozen shipped cochin eggs.
I guess the moral of my story is temp spikes will happen, but it doesn't necessarily mean it's ruined the set.
I have started 8 EEs in my incubator TODAY, March 2, so hoping for a hatch on March 22, 23rd (right?). Anyone else start today? Only my second attempt at hatching, only had one hatch last time...hoping for better results this go round.
Joining in on the march hatch. Just set 34 eggs in my brand new Brower. Took FOREVER to set up temps but I think it's all good now. Hopefully it works. This is the biggest clutch of eggs I've ever done so I'll be suuuupper anxious for the next three weeks. These will be rir, rir/barred rock, oliver eggers, blue copper marans, and one bcm/light brahma. Really hoping that light brahma egg pulls through. Im excited to see what it'll look like. But I'm not really holding out much hope for the bcm crosses bc I'm not sure if my roo is doing his job. Only time will tell I guess. Didn't want to waste a single one to crack and check, as I don't have very many due to an egg eater. Oh well 5 to 7 days from now I'll know.
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