Marek's in a 1 year old hen?


8 Years
May 22, 2013
The Volunteer State
My Coop
My Coop
So about a week ago my 14 month hen Clarice started limping like her leg was dislocated or something. So I brought her inside and didn't feel any breaks so I kept her inside and have been giving her aspirin every morning.
Up until a couple days ago she would stand on her 'good' leg and try to get around still.
Now she just sits on her legs and I don't think she can move either one. They're both in front of her and now one wing is drooping. Sometimes her neck stretches out too.
Since last week she has acted fine the entire time and is still perky and eats normal, although she has diarrhea.

She was hatched from our flock and was never vaccinated for Marek's. Before it gets worse we're putting her down tonight. She has a brother and sister who were hatched from the same batch but no one else is showing symptoms.

The biggest problem is that we were planning to give away the majority of our flock soon to someone we talked to last week but can we still do that?

I know there are a lot of other issues that can look like Marek's. For instance, there are a lot of lawn mowers where the chickens hang out and I heard a leaking lawn mower could hurt them but wouldn't it hurt the whole flock?
We also shoot a lot of guns in the backyard around the chickens and I read that lead poisoning can look like Marek's.
We just poured a concrete sidewalk a couple weeks ago but the chickens didn't get on it till it was dry.
Or maybe a vitamin deficiency?

I'm not sure how much of this could hurt them but I really just don't know what to do.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
The wisest, most responsible thing you can do is to find a state animal testing lab, then ask the folks who are waiting to adopt your flock to share the cost of a necropsy on this crippled hen.

Are you in Kentucky or Tennessee? What you can do is find the location of the lab and call them. Ask if they will euthanize the hen and do a necropsy to determine of avian leucosis or Marek's is present. This will inform your decisions and also the people who want to take your chickens.
You really need to get your state vet to perform the necropsy. A local vet cannot test for Mareks. They may know enough about chicken to know what to look for, but the state vet is your best bet to get a diagnosis. It costs a little, but is worth it. Mareks can hang around your environment for years. The body should be kept cold, but not frozen. Here is a list of state vets and there are 2 contacts in TN, and I would speak with them on the best way to go:
Thank you! We have a local vet who might do a necropsy. I'll call and find out. I'm in TN so I'll check it out with the state lab after I call the vet!

I'll let you know in a bit!
Your state lab is most likely going to be much cheaper than a local vet and local vets may actually send the body to the state lab and charge you extra for it.
I'm not sure how your state works but I highly recommend calling your state lab.

Make sure to tell them it is a backyard chicken from your private flock, and they may quote a lower price. If you get more birds later, Mareks could affect them, since it is is in the dust and dander of your coop and ranging area.

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