Mareks or Vitamin or AE or Possible Lime Poisoning??**1/16 Video Update***


8 Years
Sep 3, 2011
Arcadia, FL
I've tried to be a really good BYC forum member and search/read through all of the Mareks posts but none seem to describe what I am seeing.

1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.): EE mutt. FIVE weeks. Weight unknown - same size as clutch mates.
CHick came from an old fashioned brooding from a hen & rooster that I own.

2) What is the behavior, exactly: It moves around "shaking" as if it has Parkinson's. Shaking appears to come from legs.

3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms? I would say 3-4 days.

4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms? No.

5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma. No.

6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation. I am having a hard time keeping their coop clean of all the poop from 12 chicks.
Last week cleaned it out very well, spread out a lot of ag. lime, laid pine shavings for the first time. (Before was dirt in a horse stall)

7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all. Eating, drinking, and running about as normal. Medicated starter feed, of course.

8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc. I have 12 chicks in their stall-coop & 10 more they mingle with. (all from the same family. No new birds brought in/introduced) N0 idea whose poop belongs to whom.

9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far? None.

10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? I would like to treat myself - have a 4H Poultry leader that could help.

11) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help. A picture would not help with this.

12) Describe the housing/bedding in use: Until a week ago WAS dirt that was in a horse/steer stall that had not been used in 15+ years for a steer/horse.
Basically Florida dirt-sand. Last week I shoveled out/scraped out all the poop and spread lime and then pine shavings.

My thoughts: Mareks?
Problems from the lime?
Problems from sometimes the chick poop falling into feeder and perhaps said chick ingested this poop?
Have yet to come across moldy feed or wet feed.
**Yesterday it had a pine shaving stuck to the bottom of its foot and I thought this was the problem. I pulled it off (was not easy) and held/looked over the chick for a while.
I did not notice any visible issues. The shaking does seem to be worse. I will have to isolate tomorrow.

ANY thoughts will be taken to heart & greatly appreciated.
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First thing that sprang out to me was the lime. I do not use lime with anything..someone will have to pipe up for better help..but the shaking makes me think poisoning not mareks
I did catch one of them dust bathing in some lime that spilt out of the bag - but I can't remember which one of the chicks it was.
(there was a lot of lime on it/it was getting dark....)

I know this is wrong, but I would rather take one lime poisoning than Mareks.
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Have you separated that chicken from it's environment, for the other chickens? Please do so and remove the lime. If you are using lime to cut down on odor, try Stall-dri -- when the dampness is dried up there is very little if any odor.

This does not sound like Marek's to me...

Best of luck -- can you keep us updated?

Miss Jenny I'm gonna move the little chick tomorrow on it's own.
I feel bad because it likes to be right next to Momma Hen.

I'm gonna clean out the stalls again tomorrow (it's been a week anyhoo) and pressure wash the cement walkway in the barn.

Happy to read two posts that do not think it is Mareks!
The more thoughts on this, the merrier!
I agree with the lime...I'm not sure if it is lime if separating it from Mama would be better or worse on the little guy. I would clean out the stall, get rid of the lime, and let the little guy stay with mama...he's warm, happy and if the lime is gone, no likelihood of more exposure. I would give him some poly vi sol...a couple drops in his beak and let him stay. What harm could it do????

Chick still milling about, eating, drinking - even fought & won a chest-bump-pecking order smack down.

However, he seems to be trying to walk his hocks. This is not spradle leg.

Cleaned out all of the lime/new shavings/he had a full day in the sun/grass.
Small town - store closest to me did not have vitamins. :eek:( Will go to "town" in the AM.
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