Marek's. :*(


In the Brooder
Jun 15, 2016
I have owned chickens for close to 4 years with zero problems. I've always kept a small flock, just as a fun hobby. I've had healthy girls, very few losses(only to the random predator). Well, this April, I brought in 4 chicks from a local feed store. An easter egger, Barred Rock, and 2 red sex links. When they were around 10 weeks old, the easter egger couldn't use her leg. I thought perhaps she had slipped a tendon the way the leg was just kind of hung there. I tried several methods to help, but noticed she was just getting weaker as well. We humanely put her down after realizing she was not improving. About a month later, another of the chicks just died suddenly. No symptoms that I had seen, was fine in the morning, came out to her dead in the pen that afternoon. A few weeks later, one of my older girls started limping. A few days later, her leg was useless and she was trying to use her wings to balance herself and was not eating. Crop was always empty at night. We lost her. A week or so later, the barred rock started showing the same symptoms. More lethargic, then the leg started to be weak, then she couldn't walk, wasting away until we put her humanely down. At this point, I was starting to realize there was an issue. A few days ago, another of my hens came down with the same issues and in the 3 days from the time I started noticing her walking a bit 'off', she was unable to walk, lethargic, wasting away, so we put her down this morning. After a lot of reading, I am absolutely devastated believing this sounds like classic Marek's. I have 13 black sex link chicks (probably close to 6 weeks old) and 4 adults left, as well as 2 Icelandic older chicks (15 weeks old). The 13 babies came from TSC, so I doubt they were vaccinated. I am sick with despair wondering if my chicken owning days are over. I know this virus can live in the ground for many years. What is my next step? Do I just watch the rest of my chickens to see who is next or cull them all now? It's like living a nightmare, watching my beloved little flock die one after the other. And if I do have any survive, do I dare bring in any more chickens? Or is this it? It doesn't seem fair at all. I have gotten chicks from feed stores before with no issues, so it's heartbreaking to have something like this happen.
Thank you so much, I will take a look at these. I am just sick over this and not sure what to do next. Thanks.

Mareks disease is pretty much every where.
Vaccinating will not necessarily prevent them from getting the disease.

I would not cull yet, breed for resistance.
Here are a few good reads:
The Great Big Giant Marek's Disease FAQ
and this thread
Life after Marek's ???
These 3 links will give you a great idea/nsight into this disease.
It is NOT the end of chickens keeping...I promise.

Just got to be very very careful about bringing ANY new birds in.
It is always best to hatch your own or order day olds in only.
If you still have the body of the bird you put down this morning I would refrigerate it and send it off for necropsy. That way you will know for sure if it's Marek's or not. if you do not, then consider doing that with any losses in the future with the same symptoms. Your symptoms certainly sound like it could be, I am one that would prefer definite answers to guessing. If it is Marek's then your flock management will need to be adjusted for that. Many, many people continue to keep chickens with Marek's in their flock. The first two links that Kikisgirls gave you are full of info from people who are doing just that.
I'm very sorry for your losses. Here are some links with necropsy resources:
There is also a good thread on here about how to package the body for shipping.
Hopefully Rebascora and others with Mareks experience will chime in, but the articles recommended include much info already. Were any of your original flock members vaccinated for Mareks? If so, they could be protected, although still carriers (if it is indeed Mareks.) Some breeds tend to be resistant to Mareks, so not all of your birds will necessarily get it. It can remain in the dust and dander around your coop and yard for many years. Do you feed a fresh dated balanced brand name of chicken feed ? If so, that should rule out a vitamin or mineral deficiency. Botulism, aflatoxin poisoning from mold, lead poisoning for old lead shot in the ground, and insecticides are some other things possible, but it really sounds like Mareks. Mareks is common, but I have never seen it in my flock for 7 years, and I have both vaccinated and non-vaccinated birds.
definitely get the body examinated. It may be a tiny bit pricey but its so worth doing. I thought my chickens had a highly contagious, mortal respiratory illness (coryza) but they ended up only having a mild lung infection, fixed with some meds.

Im so sorry, I know it must feel like a nightmare! You'll get through it!

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