
Would lice paralyze her?
She has no sign of injury like no blood no missing feathers her vents open and clean
She just acts like her back and one leg is broken she seemed fine last night this morning she’s just laying there
I’m feeding her drops of water but she won’t eat
Is a vet an option?

If she has lice that sure could make matters worse, so if she has lice I recommend that treat her with permethrin dust or spray ASAP.

It does sound a lot like Marek's, but I have seen bacterial infections and coccidiosis cause paralysis. This is where a vet would be extremely helpful.

Can you take a video of her trying to walk, upload it to YouTube or then copy and paste the link here? It would also be helpful if you could post some pictures of her poop.
She doesn’t try to get up or walk if I stand her up or attempt to one leg tries to stand the other one stays curled up under her and she falls over she doesn’t flap her wings at all either and she’ll lay there and bob her head up and down occasionally or peep she hasn’t pooped or eaten or attempted to drink. I gave her a dropper of water in her beak and she’s in the house away from the others . I’ll call my animal vet but I don’t have the cash to take her in right now honestly and I’m not even sure my vet deals with chickens .
You can also try some vitamins, which may or may not help, but certainly won't hurt. Deficiencies in B vitamins in particular can cause neurological symptoms and some paralysis in legs and feet. A human B complex tablet can be given ground up in some food, and the B's are water soluble so there is no risk of overdosing.
She doesn’t try to get up or walk if I stand her up or attempt to one leg tries to stand the other one stays curled up under her and she falls over she doesn’t flap her wings at all either and she’ll lay there and bob her head up and down occasionally or peep she hasn’t pooped or eaten or attempted to drink. I gave her a dropper of water in her beak and she’s in the house away from the others . I’ll call my animal vet but I don’t have the cash to take her in right now honestly and I’m not even sure my vet deals with chickens .
I understand, vets are expensive. In the house away from the others is a good place for her. It would also be best If you could keep her room warm.

If you think it might be an infection or injury that she can overcome, we can teach you how to tube feed water and food so that she does not die from dehydration and starvation. :hugs

When she does poop, please do post a picture.

Do call you vet, and email them the picture of her, maybe they will have some suggestions.
You can also try some vitamins, which may or may not help, but certainly won't hurt. Deficiencies in B vitamins in particular can cause neurological symptoms and some paralysis in legs and feet. A human B complex tablet can be given ground up in some food, and the B's are water soluble so there is no risk of overdosing.
This, plus tube feeding is where I would start.

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